At Community Presbyterian Church, we believe all are called into service, however, we also hold that some are called for special service and leadership in the church. Our Book of Order outlines four different kinds of Presbyterian leadership and government. From the local leadership of a congregation (our church’s Session), through the mid-council governing bodies (Presbyteries and then to Synods), to the five agencies that make up the national office and help organize our national biennial gathering (General Assembly), the PC(USA) helps churches lead with faithfulness and humility.
Our congregation is guided by a group of Elders, comprised of one Teaching Elder (or Minister of Word and Sacrament) and six Ruling Elders from the membership of our local congregation. Ruling Elders typically serve for a three-year term and we overlap classes of two elders each year.
Our Leadership
Teaching Elder
Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos, Ph.D.

The Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos is the Minister of Word and Sacrament for our congregation here in Lake City. He began serving CPC on April 1, 2020. Prior to coming to CPC, he served as the national director for Christian Formation (children, youth, young adult, older adult, camp & conference ministry, Christian education, and intergenerational formation) for the PC(USA). Additionally, he also supervised the offices of Church Transformation and Small Church Support at the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
He holds a Ph.D. in practical theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he also earned his M.Div. He also earned a B.S. in Adolescent Sociology from North Central University and an M.A. in Systematic Theology from Wheaton College Graduate School.
He is the author of A Community Called Taizé: A Story of Community, Worship, and Reconciliation (IVP 2008) and has contributed chapters for several books and journals on the topics of spirituality, youth ministry, Christian education, intergenerational formation and the theology of play.
Jason currently resides in our almost 150 year old historic church manse in Lake City, with his wife, Shannon and his two sons, Judah and Silas. In his spare time, he plays and designs board games.
You can find Jason’s Curriculum Vitae here and more information about him at his website:
Ruling Elders
Class of 2022
Ken Nall, Treasurer: Finance and Endowment
Celeste Scott: Worship and Music
Class of 2023
Al Lutz: Evangelism and Mission
Ron Bruce: Buildings and Grounds
Class of 2024
Marcia Connell: Congregational Care and Prayer Team
Tom Arnold: Building and Grounds
John Bonner, Clerk of Session