First Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all doing great and keeping those new year’s resolutions. 😉 This Sunday, January 12th, is the First Sunday after Epiphany and we’ll be gathering at 10am to celebrate Jesus’ baptism through song and scripture. Fellowship will follow the service.

This week, Games Up Here are back in our by-request format. So let me know by 5:00pm on Monday, January 13th, if you’re wanting to play games at 7:00pm.

This coming Wednesday, January 15th, we’ll begin our study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. We’ll meet in Darley at 5:00pm and on Zoom.

The Session of CPC is announcing our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 26th, directly after the morning worship. We are asking that all members, who are able, to be present for this meeting either in person or via Zoom. At this congregational meeting, we will present the 2025 budget, approve my terms of call, and vote on our slate of elders for the class of 2028. The nominations for this class are: Ken Nall (ordained ruling elder, second term), and Linda Pavich (to-be ordained ruling elder, first term).

Finally, I wanted to share with you that I will be away speaking at a conference from Sunday, January 19th until Wednesday, January 22nd. Lyn Lampert will be offering pastoral leadership and preaching in my absence. Thanks Lyn!

That’s it for this week folks. Here are your links and the order of worship for this Sunday’s service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Epiphany Sunday

Hey Everyone,

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that we’ve already into the 2025 year. I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits. I’ve got a number of important reminders for you this afternoon, so please read the following carefully.

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Sunday, January 5th is Epiphany Sunday and there are several aspects of our morning worship that will be different. First, we’ll be celebrating communion during the service, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your elements to the service. Second, we’ll also be having our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck in the theme of “New Year’s Noodles!” Third, we’ll also be collecting non-perishable items for our local food bank; simply put your canned and dried goods under the Christmas tree in the sanctuary.

Next, don’t forget that this Wednesday, we return to our weekly Bible Study on Wednesday, January 8th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. This week, we’ll be exploring the miracle of the Bethlehem Star. In following weeks we’ll be looking at the book of Romans.

For those interested in playing games, they will return on Monday, January 13th.

For those who attend the Lake City Men’s Prayer Breakfast, it’s returns to it’s normal day, time, and place this week (Thursdays, 7:00am, First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall).

Once again, we’re running another Cookie Drive! If you’re interested in serving this way, consider baking a couple dozen cookies and putting them in a zipper sealing bag in the Darley Hall kitchen freezer.

Finally, don’t forget that although tomorrow is Epiphany Sunday, the liturgical holy day is actually on January 6th. Consider blessing your homes with the prayer included in this week’s order of worship bulletin (available in print and digitally).

Here are your links for the week and the order of worship for Epiphany Sunday:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

First Sunday of Christmas

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well and basking in the blessedness of this Christmas season. Don’t forget that there are twelve days of Christmas, which doesn’t end until Epiphany on January 6th. 😉 So break out that frozen roast and invite some friends over for a night of Christmas festivities.

This Sunday, December 29th is the First Sunday of Christmas and it’s also the last Sunday of the year. As we look to close out the year in a couple of days, I’d like to remind you about your 2024 financial pledges. If you haven’t completed your pledge for the year, or you’d like to make a year end contribution from a financial institution, there’s still time.

Please remember that the cash offering for tomorrow’s worship service will be donated to the Silver Thread Public Health for their food bank. If you’d like to write a check for this cause, please note that in the memo line of your check. In a similar effort, we’ll also be collecting non-perishable foods for a communal donation to the Public Health food bank. Please put your donations under the Christmas tree in the sanctuary. All donations will be taken to Public Health on January 7th.

There are NO games or Bible study this week, but you should plan on joining us on Wednesday, January 8th at 5:00pm for our special Christian education teaching about the Bethlehem Star. In weeks following, we’ll begin our study of Paul’s letter to the Romans.

And, last, but not least, don’t forget that NEXT Sunday, January 5th, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s Supper during the worship service, and we’ll also be having our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck.

That’s it for this week, folks, here is your link for this Sunday’s worship service and the order of worship:

Sunday Worship Service:

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I know what you’re thinking… Why is Jason’s weekly communication coming so early? My answer? While Silas was skiing with the Hinsdale County Ski Team at Wolf Creek, I had ample time yesterday to get my weekly planning done early while sitting in their Base Camp lodge. Additionally, since I wanted to send you all the O Antiphons Guide today, I figured I’d just get you everything for the week!

The downloadable O Antiphons Guide is something I created for my family many years ago. It contains some information about the O Antiphons, a few readings, and seven ornaments (and larger print ornaments if you’d like to use them to make shrinky dinks).

If you’re interested in using them over the next seven days of Advent, download them and print them. Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18th, I’ll be share about their usage in our weekly Bible study. Feel free to tune in at 5:00pm in person or on Zoom (link below) to learn more about the O Antiphons and to continue on with our journey through the Jesse Tree symbols. The previous two sessions of this series can be found on our YouTube page.

As mentioned above, this Sunday, December 22nd is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This Sunday, we’ll light the Candle of Love as we look toward our celebration of God’s incarnation as commemorated on Christmas Day. Join us for service at 10:00am with fellowship to follow.

In case you’re wondering, our annual Christmas Eve Service under the stars will take place on Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30pm in the CPC yard. All are welcome to join us for this 30 minute service with song, Scripture, and candlelight.

That’s it for this week folks. Until next time, here are your links and the order of worship for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (and the O Antiphons Guide):

Wednesday Bible Study

Sunday Worship Service:

See you soon!


Third Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

It’s the Third Sunday of Advent tomorrow and I can hardly believe we’re half way through this holy season. Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate Mary, the mother of Jesus, as we light the candle of joy. Join us at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary or on Zoom (the link is below).

Beyond the service, it’s business as usual this week with Game-By-Request by 5:00pm on Monday, December 16th and Wednesday Bible study at 5:00pm on December 18th.

If you’re wondering about the Christmas Eve service… the answer is, “Yes” we’ll be hosting our annual Christmas Eve Under the Stars outdoor service with song and scripture. Join us Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30pm in the CPC yard for this special gathering.

And, that’s it for this week. Your links and order of worship are below. 

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Second Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all are well and experiencing a blessed season of Advent. I just returned this afternoon from Austin, where I officiated George and Ingrid’s wedding last night. It was a wonderful celebration that was attended by a goodly crew of folks from Lake City. Given that I’ve been up since 4:00am, I’m going to keep this short. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, December 8th is the Second Sunday of Advent, and during our 10:00am worship service we will light the second candle on our Advent wreath, as well as celebrate the Eucharist. If you’re joining us via Zoom you should bring your own communion elements to the service. Your links and the order of worship can be found below. 

This week, we’ve got “game by request” on Monday, December 9th (just call me before 5pm), the CPC Session meets on Wednesday, December 11th at 10:00am in Darley Hall, and we’ll carry on with the second part of our Bible study on the stories behind the symbols of the Jesse Tree that evening. If you’d like to catch up before Wednesday, you can find all of our recordings on our YouTube page. 

And, that’s it for this week. Your links and order of worship are below. 

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

First Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well as we prepare to enter a new liturgical season. For those who like to celebrate stuff, tomorrow, Saturday, November 30th is viewed by many in the theological/ liturgical world as the New Liturgical Year’s Eve. If you want to make this Advent season (and liturgical year) more meaningful, celebrate tomorrow night with a nice dinner or a special treat. Take a moment before you go to bed and remember all that God did in our community this year.

And, if you really want to make sure this Advent season is special, print out the Jesse Tree ornaments (which you can find directly after Sunday’s order of worship below). If you’re not familiar with the practice of the Jesse Tree. It’s a schedule of devotionals and/or biblical readings that take you from the story of creation up to the birth of Jesus. The pdf below contains printable ornaments that you can color and an associated chapter of Scripture that highlights the narrative. For those of you who don’t have printers, there are card stock copies of the Jesse Tree ornaments on the table in the narthex.

Additionally, if you’d like to have a set of Advent candles for your home this year, there are a few sets of candles on the mantel in Darley Hall. There are a bunch of wooden craft kits as well. So if you don’t want to mess with candles, grab one of those sets and place it in a prominent place in your home this season.

A special “Thank You” to those of you who helped decorate the church this week. You were few in number, but you accomplished a lot. The church looks great.

Switching gears for a moment–earlier this week I received the news that my uncle on my father’s side passed away unexpectedly. Consequently, Silas and I will be traveling to Detroit tomorrow to pay our respect on behalf our family at his memorial service. We will return on Monday evening.

Given my absence, I am delighted to share that Lyn Lampert will be offering worship leadership and the sermon for this Sunday’s worship service on December 1st. This will also be the first Sunday of Advent and our colors turn to purple and pink. Join us in person and on Zoom for this special service. A link for the service and the order of worship can be found below.

Due to my absence, we’ll also be pushing our monthly communion to the second Sunday of Advent, December 8th. But, we’ll still be having our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck this Sunday, December 1st, directly after the service. The theme for this month is thanksgiving leftovers (or whatever you want to bring).

Also, no games this week on Monday (since I’m gone), but we will still have our weekly Bible study on Wednesday at 5:00pm. For the next three weeks, we’ll look at the stories of the Jesse Tree and explore the links between Creation and Christ’s birth.

I think that’s it for this week folks. I’ll touch base early next week before I head to Texas to officiate George and Ingrid’s wedding. It’s going to be busy one. 🙂

Finally, here are your links and the order of worship for Sunday’s service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is well and gearing up for Thanksgiving week. It’s hard to believe that’s it’s only a week away. This Sunday, November 24th is Christ the King Sunday, also known as the Reign of Christ Sunday. Regardless of what you call it, this is the special Sunday where our colors turn to white and we remember the Lordship of Christ’s reign.

Starting Monday, November 25th, we’re going to begin a new way of gathering for games. If you’d like to play games on a Monday night, I’m asking that you text me by 5:00pm on that Monday. If no one texts, we won’t have games. And, don’t forget, from this Monday forward, all our game nights will be held in Darley Hall.

This Wednesday, November 27th, we’re NOT having our weekly Bible study so that you can get ready for all of your Thanksgiving celebrations.

Beyond those updates, here are your links and the order of worship for Sunday’s service.

Sunday Worship Service:

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all are well and keeping warm. It’s been chilly here in Lake City over the last week and we’ve still got snow. 🙂 Before we know it, the season of Advent will be upon us. Until then we’ve got some exciting gatherings coming up. First, this Sunday, November 17th will not only be the Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (exciting stuff), but we will also be celebrating the marriage of Marcia Connell and Tommy Carl during the service. So plan on getting there early if you want a good seat. After the service, everyone is invited to join us in Darley Hall as we celebrate their nuptials with cake, champagne and finger foods.

On Monday, November 18th, we’ll gather in DARLEY HALL for Monday night games at 7:00pm. Then, on Wednesday, November 20th, we’ll carry on with the third part of our series on the “Lord’s Prayer,” by examining all the other prayers that Jesus prayed in the Bible. Join us this Wednesday at 5:00pm in Darley Hall.

One last reminder, We still need cookies!!!

Here are your links and the order of worship for Sunday’s service.

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope this post finds you well, safe, and trusting in God’s divine providence for our nation and our community. It’s been a challenging election season and I’m relieved that it is finally over. I know that some of you are happy with the results of the election, while others are struggling. These are divided times in our world, nation, and even here in our little 400 person town. During morning worship this Sunday, November 10th, we’ll consider what it means to have an expression of joy and hope in the calling God has placed upon our lives and in our common life together.

Next week, we’ll continue on with our regular gatherings–Games on Monday night, November 11th at 7:00pm and Bible study on Wednesday night, November 13th at 5:00pm. Next week, we’ll dive into the second part of our series on the Lord’s Supper. If you missed yesterday’s study, you can find it on our YouTube page

Additionally, this coming Wednesday, November 13th, the elders of CPC will gather for our November Session meeting at 10:00am in Darley Hall. 

Beyond those gatherings, it’s business as usual at CPC. Until we meet again, here are your links and the order of worship for Sunday’s service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study