Hey CPC!
We’re about to start the second week of Advent. I hope you’re experiencing a deeper sense of meaning and hope as we make our journey to Christmas. This week we light the candle of peace and look at the gospel account of John the Baptizer. And if that wasn’t enough, we’re also celebrating the Eucharist. So, please make sure to bring your juice and bread to the Zoom service.
Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night for a game of Just One, Monday, November 7th from 7:00-8:30pm MST. Get more information on our website (https://lakecitypresbyterian.org/games-up-here/)
CPC Session
This CPC elders are meeting this week for our December Session meeting on Wednesday, December 9th. As we review 2020 for CPC, please feel free to reach out to them with anything you’d like to share.
Weekly Bible Study
We’re online only for our weekly Bible study. Join us this Wednesday, December 9th from 5:00-6:30pm MST as we explore the book of Judges, which contains a series of smaller narratives about the tribal period in Israel’s history following the death of Joshua.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
And, just a reminder, that the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is taking a break and will NOT resume meeting until January.
Here’s your weekly Zoom links:
Sunday Worship Service:
Monday Games Up Here:
Wednesday Bible Study: