Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Happy Friday Everyone,

I hope your week was blessed and that this post find you well and in good spirits. As we move toward the middle of September, there is no doubt that autumn is in the air. The postage stamp has revealed itself and the weather is turning colder once again. Summer folks are returning home and things are starting to grow quieter.

As summer comes to an end, so does our summer series of looking at hymns (and chants). This Sunday, September 15th, we’ll conclude our Kingdom of God series by considering how we might make a “glad descent” back to our homes and back into the off-season (for those of us who live locally). This week, we’ll use the TaizĂ© chant, Da Pachem Domine to guide us in our worship and prayers. The plan is to be outside this week, but if the weather is looking dodgy, we’ll move inside.

I’ve been told that the CDT hikers are still coming south and are likely to hit Lake City in seven to ten days. That means we’ll need hosts for the trail hiker center until the end of the month. Please consider signing up for a 2-hour shift on the signup sheet on the cork board in Darley. This week’s opening will be posted on Sunday.

Starting this Sunday, CPC will also be taking over the shuttling to and from Spring Creek Pass. You’ll have the opportunity to sign up for the noon shuttle this Sunday. The sign-up sheet will be posted on the corkboard in Darley.

Next Monday, September 16th, we’ll have tabletop games in the Annex/Trail Hiker Center at 7:00pm until 9:00pm. All are welcome to join us for Game Up Here.

Then, Wednesday, September 18th, we’ll gather at 5:00pm in the Annex/Trail Hiker Center for our weekly study of Christian denominations. This week, we’ll be looking at the Pentecostals (Assemblies of God, Four Square, etc.)

That’s what’s happening this coming week. Here are your Zoom links and the order of worship for Sunday’s worship service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study