Second Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Folks,

I hope this email finds you all well on this chilly Friday afternoon. In case you didn’t hear the announcements last Sunday, I will be away this Sunday, January 19th through Wednesday, January 22nd. This will impact a few gatherings on our schedule for the week, so please note the changes below.

First, this Sunday, January 19th, we’re blessed to have Lyn Lampert join us to help lead in worship and offer the preached word. You can join us in person or through our Zoom broadcast (see link below). Many thanks to Lyn, the CPC elders, and the rest of the worship leadership for covering for me while I’m away.

Next, there are NO Games Up Here on Monday, January 20th and our weekly, Wednesday Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Romans will be on THURSDAY, January 23rd this week (and this week only) at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. If you missed last week’s introduction to Romans, you can find it on our YouTube page.

Finally, don’t forget that on Sunday, January 26th, we’re holding our Annual Congregational Meeting directly after the service. If you’re a member, we’d ask that you join us.

Here are your links for this week and the order of worship bulletin for Sunday:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study