Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I’m posting this so late in the week. I’ll keep things short and just give you the most essentials for the week ahead.

Join us tomorrow, Sunday, September 8th for our worship service at 10:00am. With our recent hail storm, we’ll have to wait and see whether we’re in or out tomorrow. If we’re going inside, check back here for the update.

Don’t forget, if you were a Trail Hiker Center Host this summer (or you just want to join us), please join us on Sunday night, September 8th at 5:30pm for our Hiker Host Appreciation and Feedback Dinner. This year, I’ll be cooking up some Filipino fare again for you all. On the menu is Adobo Chicken, served with vegetable pancit (rice noodle dish) and steamed rice, followed by Kalami (as sweetened rice and coconut dessert).

We’ve got game this week on Monday, September 9th at 7:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center.

Tuesday, September 10th is the Super Souper Supper! This fundraising event will be held at the First Baptist Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite soup and hear about what God is doing in Managua, Nicaragua at 5:00pm.

The CPC Session is meeting this Wednesday, September 11th, at 10:00pm in Darley Hall.

Join us on Wednesday, September 11th at 5:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our next session of the Christian Denominations series. This week we’ll be looking at the birth, development, and currently day expression of Evangelicalism.

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study