Traveling Mercies

Hey CPC,

Tonight is our first Traveling Mercies in the CPC sanctuary at 7:00pm. The Zoom link to hear Jason’s faith story is:

All the other links to our weekly activities and the Order of Worship for this week are below. And beneath them are the weekly announcements listed in the Order of Worship.

Traveling Mercies:

Being Reformed Class:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

And the ANNOUNCEMENTS for this week are as follows:

Games Up Here
The week we’re playing another game of Rolling Ranch. Join us on Monday, September 14th from 7:00-8:30pm MST. More information, player sheets, and Zoom links can be found at our website: https://

Tea Time Tuesday
On Tuesday, September 15th, at two o’clock for two hours. This week, we’re featuring a special Ilam Black Tea from Nepal. Should it look like rain, like it did last week, please check the website for updates 30 minutes prior to the start.

Weekly Bible Study
There is no Bible study this week, instead we’re gathering together to celebrate the conclusion of our study of Acts of the Apostles. All are welcome to join us on Wednesday, September 16th at the Annex for dinner from 5:00pm-6:30pm. Burgers and buns will be provided. Please bring a side to share.

Being Reformed: PC(USA)-in-a-Nutshell
On Sunday, September 20th, we’ll gather in the Annex at 8:30am for our final week of the Being Reformed course. Join us as we look at the polity and structure of the PC(USA) and explore some of the challenges we’ve faced in the past two decades. The course will be offered in person and on Zoom through this link: https://

The Hearts and Spades Garden Project
The garden beds are here and now we need some help assembling them and filling them with soil. If you’d like to help, we’re gathering at the Annex on Saturday, September 19th at 9:00am. If you have a wheelbarrow and/or shovel, please bring them on Saturday.