Well, after a two week shut-down because of several COVID cases in town, we’re back in the sanctuary this week. We will continue to be on Zoom, so if you can’t join us in person, log on though the links at the bottom of this post. And, here are your weekly announcements and upcoming events. 🙂
Games Up Here
Join us tomorrow night, Monday, November 9th from 7:00-8:30pm MST for a new “roll and write” game. This week, we’ll be playing Kingdomino Duel. Check out our website (https://lakecitypresbyterian.org/games-up-here/) for more information.
Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Time Tuesday is happening this week! We’ll meet on Tuesday, November 10th in the Annex from 2:00 to 4:00pm for fellowship, tea and hot cider.
Weekly Bible Study
Join us this week in person and online via Zoom for our next CPC Bible Study, as we continue to look at how God shaped Israel into a covenant people in the book of Numbers. All of the past Bible studies in this series are available on YouTube. See our new Bible Study Page on the website for more information. If you’d like to participate, we will meet at the Annex and on Zoom this Wednesday, November 11th from 5:00-6:30pm MST.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The Thursday morning men’s prayer and bible study breakfast is starting up again. Join us this Thursday, November 12th at 7:00am for good food and conversation with the men of Lake City.
And, here are your weekly links for all our Zoom gatherings:
Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:
Monday Games Up Here:
Wednesday Bible Study: