ReThinking Christmas

Hey CPC!

We’ve got a full week ahead of us, with a new learning opportunity with our two-week series on Advent and Christmas. Check out what’s happening below.

Sunday Worship
This Sunday we’ll be exploring the Parable of the Talents and how it’s been misused over the years. Though we are meeting in-person on Sunday, please keep in mind that there is a report of one positive case of COVID in town. If you are joining us in the sanctuary, please remember to wear your masks, especially during the time of singing, as that activity has been deemed as one of the most dangerous for spreading the virus.

Games Up Here
Join us tomorrow night, Monday, November 16th from 7:00-8:30pm MST for another game of Kingdomino Duel. Get more information on our website (

Theology Tuesdays  
For the next two Tuesdays, I’ll be offering a mini-educational series called “Rethinking Christmas.” During this class, we’ll explore the history of Christmas and the role it plays in our current culture, before looking at a few ways you can make this holiday season a holy season. The first class will be on Tuesday, November 17th from 4:00pm-5:00pm MST. Visit our website for a Zoom link for this special offering. 

Weekly Bible Study
Join us this week in person and online via Zoom for our next CPC Bible Study, as we continue to look at how God shaped Israel into a covenant people in the book of Deuteronomy. All of the past Bible studies in this series are available on YouTube. See our new Bible Study Page on the website for more information. If you’d like to participate, we will meet at the Annex and on Zoom this Wednesday, November 18th from 5:00-6:30pm MST.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The Thursday morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening! Join us this Thursday, November 19th at 7:00am for good food and conversation with the men of Lake City. 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

ReThinking Christmas:

Wednesday Bible Study: