A Season of Waiting

Hey CPC,

Here are your announcement and links for the first week of Advent.

Sunday Worship
This Sunday, November 29th is the first Sunday of Advent, when we will light the Candle of Hope as we begin our journey into a new liturgical season. While the sanctuary is open, we’re encouraging folks to remain home and use the Zoom technology.

Jesse Tree Devotional
This year, we’re introducing a new way (for some of you) to observe the season of Advent. A Jesse Tree devotional is a historic means of going through the redemptive story of God’s love for all of humanity, by tracing salvation history from creation to the birth of Christ Jesus through a serious of ornaments. Beginning on Tuesday, December 1st (and ending on Christmas Eve), you’re invited to cut out and color each the paper ornaments, after reading the listed Scripture reference.

More details for this devotional will be offered tomorrow during the announcements. Until then, download and print the devotional from our website, or use this direct link. If you’d like to make your journey even more special, this devotional draws its symbols from Geraldine McCaughrean’s beautiful children’s book, The Jesse Tree. Consider purchasing it to add a delightful story to your season of Advent. 

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night, Monday, November 23th from 7:00-8:30pm MST as we branch out into new online games with the award-winning party game Just One. No player sheets are needed this week, just pen and paper. Get more information on our Games Up Here page: https://lakecitypresbyterian.org/games-up-here/.

Weekly Bible Study
This Wednesday, December 2nd from 5:00-6:30pm MST, we’ll meet on Zoom (only) to continue our study of the books of the Bible. This week, we’ll explore the book of Joshua, which picks up the story with the Israelites’ entry into the promise land under new management–Joshua. All are welcome, even if you’ve never joined us before. 🙂 The link for the Zoom Bible Study is below.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
And, just a reminder, that the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is taking a break and will NOT resume meeting until January.

Here’s your weekly Zoom links: 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: 

Wednesday Bible Study: 