A Time to Rest

Hey CPC,

I hope you are all well this evening. I’m writing you tonight from Houston, TX because I’m officiating Alan Moore’s funeral tomorrow afternoon. If you’d like to view the funeral service via Zoom, you can find that link below.

As many of you know, I’ll be taking two weeks off after I return from Houston on Sunday. Consequently, this post will serve as your portal to all of the services and orders of worship for the next couple of weeks. The Sunday worship service will remain at 10:00am in the sanctuary through (and including) Sunday, October 17th.

This coming Sunday, your guest preacher will be Dr. John Roose and the following week the guest preacher will be Lyn Lampert. The orders of worship for those two services and the Sunday I return can be located at the bottom of this post. Beyond the services, our normal gatherings (games and Bible study) for the next two weeks are cancelled.

All of the lectionary texts for the next three weeks can be found each week at this site. Beyond those bits of information, please know that if a pastoral emergency comes up, you can reach me via text or email and I’ll contact to you asap.

Here are your announcements for the next two weeks:

Games Up Here
There will be NO Games up here for the next two weeks

Bible Study
There will be NO Bible Study for the next two weeks (October 6th and October 13th)

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City on Thursdays at 7:00am in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

Jason on Staycation
Just a reminder that Jason will be taking two weeks off. He’ll return to the pulpit on Sunday, October 17th. 

Alan Moore Funeral
Alan Moore’s funeral is in Houston tomorrow afternoon, Saturday October 2nd at 2:30pm CDT. I (Jason) will be officiated the service, so you’ll be able to view the funeral service portion via this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89577399896?pwd=VUtMVjJjMmN1WlFnSlBBRVk4MGJLUT09 [Should you have difficulty joining with this link, please use the meeting ID: 895 7739 9896 and the Passcode: 678764]

And, here are your links for Sunday Worship for the next two weeks:

Sunday Worship Service: