Third Sunday of Lent

Hey Folks,

I hope everyone is warm and safe on this chilly winter evening (at least here in Lake City). Don’t forget that tomorrow we “spring” forward, so you need to move your clocks forward one hour from standard to daylight savings time. If you forget, you’ll still be able to join us for fellowship after the service.

During tomorrow’s worship service we’ll be looking at the John 4 text of the Samaritan women at the well–one of the most remarkable passages in John. As usual, if you’d like to read the preaching text and the other lectionary texts, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin below.

The only minor change in our standard lineup for the week is that Lyn Lampert will be leading games at Monday night’s Games Up Here. Join Lyn at the Annex on Monday night, March 13th from 7:00-9:00pm.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is happening this evening, Sunday, March, 12th.

Games Up Here
Monday night games will be hosted by Lyn Lampert this week. Join him for games at the Annex on Monday, March 13th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group begins this Wednesday, March 15th. We’ll meet in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. Check your weekly email for the reading schedule. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 16th at 7:00am.

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group