Hey Everyone,
Although I typically start my communication with a sentiment of hope that you are all well, I know in fact that many of you are not. Some people have common colds, others are testing positive for COVID, and many remain healthy. Knowing that there are a larger number of folks hit with something, I’ve been in touch with our elders and had several conversations about what to do concerning tomorrow’s worship service. I’m sure many of you are wondering too.
Tomorrow, we WILL be having service in the sanctuary, but I’d like to offer encouragement to folks who have been recently sick, feeling even a little sick, or who are immune compromised, to join us online for our Zoom broadcast (link below). Online participants will have a chance to share any prayer requests they may have as well. Please remember to only share about other’s health conditions publicly with their permission.
As many of you know, I just returned (last night around 11pm) from my Intergenerate conference in Nashville. Given my exposure to a couple hundred people (many from around the world), my extended time in the overcrowded Denver International Airport during my travel delays, and the fact that everyone in my family had some form of sickness this week, I’m going to keep my distance from you all. Consequently, I won’t be lingering after the service. If you need to meet with me for any reason, please email or text me.
Truth be told, all of this has made for quite a challenging decision on behalf of our congregation. I am concerned for you and your health and want to exercise prudence, but also respect your freedom to make the decision to attend or not for yourself. I hope you understand.
If you are joining us tomorrow, Sunday, June 18 for the morning service, we’ll be further exploring the narrative of Abraham, this time with an emphasis on God’s promise of descendants. The Genesis text and the other lectionary texts can be found in the online Order of Worship below.
Also, we are planning to move the service outside on Sunday, June 25. If you’re on the set-up team or are signed up for helping with fellowship, the respective committees will be in contact with you in the week ahead. I will not be starting our lectionary reading Sunday School class (which will take place before the Sunday service) until Sunday July 9th, which is also when our hiker meals will begin. More information to come about both of those summer launches.
Here are your announcements for the week ahead. Keep in mind, although we haven’t cancelled Monday games or our Wednesday Bible study this week, we hope you’ll extend the same health precautions if you attend these gatherings.
Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, June 19 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. We’ll be playing Jason’s newest design–Lake City Locals.
Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, June 21 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our second session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at Judaism.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, June 22 at 7:00am.
Help Us Staff the Trail Hiker Center
We still need help on Fridays and Saturdays. Consider offering a couple hours a week to help staff the Trail Hiker Center. Sign up after the Sunday service in Darley Hall (check out the bulletin board for the sign up sheet).
Here are your links for the week:
Sunday Worship Service:
Wednesday Bible Study