Hey Everyone,
Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that we’ve already into the 2025 year. I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits. I’ve got a number of important reminders for you this afternoon, so please read the following carefully.
Don’t forget that tomorrow, Sunday, January 5th is Epiphany Sunday and there are several aspects of our morning worship that will be different. First, we’ll be celebrating communion during the service, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your elements to the service. Second, we’ll also be having our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck in the theme of “New Year’s Noodles!” Third, we’ll also be collecting non-perishable items for our local food bank; simply put your canned and dried goods under the Christmas tree in the sanctuary.
Next, don’t forget that this Wednesday, we return to our weekly Bible Study on Wednesday, January 8th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. This week, we’ll be exploring the miracle of the Bethlehem Star. In following weeks we’ll be looking at the book of Romans.
For those interested in playing games, they will return on Monday, January 13th.
For those who attend the Lake City Men’s Prayer Breakfast, it’s returns to it’s normal day, time, and place this week (Thursdays, 7:00am, First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall).
Once again, we’re running another Cookie Drive! If you’re interested in serving this way, consider baking a couple dozen cookies and putting them in a zipper sealing bag in the Darley Hall kitchen freezer.
Finally, don’t forget that although tomorrow is Epiphany Sunday, the liturgical holy day is actually on January 6th. Consider blessing your homes with the prayer included in this week’s order of worship bulletin (available in print and digitally).
Here are your links for the week and the order of worship for Epiphany Sunday:
Sunday Worship Service:
Wednesday Bible Study