Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

This Sunday, September 11th marks our return to the sanctuary. Starting tomorrow, Sunday morning worship will be in the CPC sanctuary. For those seeking a more room space, we’ll be broadcasting the service in Darley Fellowship Hall. Regardless of where you sit, all are welcome to join us after service for fellowship with cookies and coffee.

This Sunday, I’ll be preaching from the gospel of Luke. You can read it and the other lectionary texts  at the end of the online order of worship bulletin (link below). Tomorrow, we’ll also be welcoming back Nora Smith on the piano to lead us in our prelude and our postlude.

Here are your Announcements for the week ahead:

Prayer requests and prayer list
If you’d like to submit a prayer request to be included in the Sunday worship Prayers of the People or to be added to our weekly prayer list, please fill out a blue card before the service and give it to Jason. You can also submit your prayer request early via email:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, September 12th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

September Session
This week, the CPC elders will meet at 10:00am in Darley Hall on Wednesday, September 14th for Session.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, September 14th at 5:00pm at the Annex as we explore the purpose and flow of the liturgical calendar and how we might be more intentional in how we use it. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 15th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

Here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Twelfth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

Well, I have to say, I can’t believe it’s September already. This summer has been a busy one filled with blessings too numerous to name. Although our original intent was to return back to the sanctuary this Sunday, we’re going to remain outdoors on the lawn for our upcoming worship service on September 4th.

This Sunday, I’ll be offering a few reflections on the summer and our common life together. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts for this week, you can find them at the end of the online Order for Worship bulletin below.

This Sunday, we’ll also have the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church joining us via Zoom. They are going through some transitions in their congregation and were unable to secure pulpit supply, so they’ll be with us.. Welcome to our sisters and brothers from Cortez.

We’ll also be celebrating communion this week, so if you’re joining us online, please remember to bring your own bread and juice to the service.

Here are your announcements for the coming week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, September  5th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, September 7th at 5:00pm at the Annex as we continue our conversation  about intergenerational formation. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 8th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Eleventh Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are well and ready for the week ahead. I can’t believe it’s almost September. It’s been a busy summer with lots of blessings. This week, however, is the last for a number of our gatherings, so please carefully read the information below.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll continue on with our Summer Hymn Series as we look at the well known hymn–Great is Thy Faithfulness. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before Sunday, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship, which can be downloaded below.

Don’t forget that tonight is the Lake City Choir’s Gospel Music Concert starting at 7:00pm in the Community Presbyterian Church sanctuary.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Sheriff’s Department Appreciation
The churches of Lake City are hosting a special celebration for the Sheriff’s department tomorrow Sunday, August 28th at 1:00pm in Memorial Park. CPC is providing doughnuts and we’ll be making them in Darley directly after our  worship service.

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, August 28th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm for our final hiker dinner of the season. This week’s theme is BREAKFAST and we will be making French Toast, bacon, and sausage–bring your favorite breakfast or lunch dish to share (or whatever you want).

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, August 29th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us this Tuesday morning, July 30th at 9:00 in Darley Hall as we finish the Book of Ruth.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, August 31st at 5:00pm at the Annex as we explore the Biblical basis for  intergenerational formation. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 1st at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Here are your Zoom links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

We’re headed to Gold Hill!

Hey Everyone!

This Sunday we’re going to Gold Hill. If you’re joining us, please be at the CPC parking lot at 9:00am on Sunday, August 21st. If you have a high capacity vehicle that can weather a somewhat rough ascent (similar to 30 going out to American Basin), please bring that vehicle. Because we’ve invited all of the churches of Lake City to join us, we’re expecting a larger than usual gathering and we’ll need to carpool (parking is very limited). Also, don’t forget to bring a chair (or you can sit on their picnic benches).

On Sunday we’ll continue on with our Summer Hymn Series as we look at the ever popular hymn from the last century–Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before Sunday, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship, which can be downloaded below.

Join us this Sunday night for the Trail Hiker Dinner from 6-8pm at the Lake City Trail Hiker Center located in the Presbyterian Annex (418 Silver Street). This Sunday, August 21st, Community Presbyterian Church will be hosting the meal. We’re serving the famous Cuban sandwich–Cubano. If you’ve never had one, it’s traditionally a grilled sandwich that has marinated pork, sliced cured ham, Swiss cheese, pickles, onions and a Cuban spread that will delight your taste buds.

Here are your Announcements for this Sunday and the week ahead:

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, August 21st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This week’s theme is Caribbean/Cuban and CPC will be making Cubano sandwiches–bring your favorite dish or dessert to share in that fare (or whatever you want).

Games and Tuesday Bible Study Cancelled
No games or Tuesday morning Bible study this week.

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, August 24th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, August 24th at 5:00pm at the Annex for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’re looking at “time” as related to God and us.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 25th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Being Reformed Class
Join us for the 2nd part of this two-week series. This week we’ll look at Presbyterian theology and worship. We’ll meet at the Annex on Thursdays, August 25th at 5:00pm.

Sheriff’s Department Appreciation
The churches of Lake City are hosting a special celebration for the Sheriff’s department on Sunday, August 28th at 1:00pm in Memorial Park. CPC is providing doughnuts and we’ll be making them in Darley directly after our Sunday morning worship service.

Here are your Zoom links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Thursday Being Reformed Class:

Ninth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well and have basked in the glory of God’s creation this past week. This Sunday we’ll explore one of the oldest and most popular hymns of all times–Be Thou My Vision. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before Sunday, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship, which can be downloaded below. .

Join us this Sunday night for the Trail Hiker Dinner from 6-8pm at the Lake City Trail Hiker Center located in the Presbyterian Annex (418 Silver Street). This Sunday, August 14th, First Baptist Church is hosting and they are serving Turkey Tetrazzini. So this week’s theme is going to be “Casserole Surprise!” We’re inviting all of you to bring their favorite potluck casseroles. With folks in town from all over the country, who knows what people will bring. Be creative, try a new recipe, bring a state or regional dish. And don’t forget to check out the fountain this week, it’s going to be a good one. 😉

And, don’t forget that our very own Jim Walker will be performing his one man show Mark Twain tomorrow night, Saturday, August 13th at 7:30 at the Lake City Arts Center. It’s a fantastic show. Please consider showing your support for Jim and the Art Center.

Here are your Announcements for the week ahead:

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, August 14th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. This week’s theme is Casserole Surprise!–bring your favorite casserole or dessert to share… (or whatever you want).

Games and Tuesday Bible Study Cancelled
No games or Tuesday morning Bible study this week.

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, August 17th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, August 17th at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’ll complete our three-part series on all things evil as we look at the theology of hell and annihilation and how to avoid going there. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 18th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Being Reformed Class
Join us for this two-week series on what it means to be “reformed” and part of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll cover the last 2,000 years of church history, the theology, worship, practice and government of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Each class will last around 75 minutes  per session and is considered a prerequisite for anyone considering membership at CPC. The class will meet at the Annex/Trail Hiker Center on Thursdays, August 18th and 25th at 5:00pm.

And, here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Eighth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey CPC and friends,

I hope all was well with your soul this week and that you’re excited for the next hymn in our summer series. This Sunday, we’ll explore the hymn How Great Thou Art as we celebrate God’s creative power in the universe and by extension our creativity in the world.

As usual, the Zoom link and downloadable Order of Worship bulletin are below. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts for the week, you can find them at the end of online Order of Worship bulletin.

This Sunday, August 7th will be our fifth Trail Hiker Meal in the Annex from 6 to 8pm. Grace Christian Fellowship is hosting this week and will be serving tacos in the theme of Mexican Fare. So you can all expect some salsa in the fountain. We’ve been told the Colorado Trail “bubble” will actually hit Lake City over this next week, so we’re expecting a lot of hikers at the meal. Please consider joining us Sunday night and bringing a dish to share in that theme.

Next, I want to make sure you all know that Ruthanne File’s funeral will take place tomorrow, Saturday, August 6th at 10:30am in the Lake City School Gymnasium, located at 614 N. Silver Street. If you are planning on attending, please consider bringing a potluck casserole dish for the reception. The File family is expecting a large number of out-of-town attendees, and the Baptist Church is calling for help. And, if you’re unable to attend, please consider dropping off a dish to help support her funeral.

Also, I wanted to remind you that our very own Jim Walker will be performing his one man show Mark Twain next Saturday, August 13th at 7:30 at the Lake City Arts Center. It’s a fantastic show. Please consider showing your support for Jim and the Art Center.

Here are your Announcements for this week:

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, August 7th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. This week’s theme is Taco Bar–bring a themed side or dessert to share… or whatever you want. 😉

Games Up Here
No Game Up Here this week (or next week). 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us this Tuesday morning, August 9th at 9:00 in Darley Hall for our “read and share” Bible study. This week we’ll be exploring the second chapter of Ruth. 

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, August 10th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, August 10th at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’ll be looking at the second part of our study on demons and the evil forces/celestial beings in the Bible. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 11th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

And, here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Seventh Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all are safe and warm on this cool Friday afternoon (at least here in Lake City). It’s been a sad week with the death of several folks connected to our community and congregation. For those who aren’t already aware, Ruthanne File died this past Wednesday in Grand Junction. Ruthanne was a long time member of our local community and she and her husband, Dan File, we’re central in the leadership of Camp Red Cloud for many years. Her funeral will take place at the Lake City School Gymnasium on Saturday, August 6th at 10:30am. The school is located at 614 N. Silver Street.

Additionally, there were two more deaths this week. The first is Jay Herring, Margo Presnall’s cousin. Please keep Margo and her family in your prayers. Next, Larry Waller passed a week ago. Please continue to pray for his wife, Donna and her family. 

Sunday, we continue on with our Summer Series–This is My Story, This is Our Song. This week we’ll explore It is Well, With My Soul. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before the service, they can be found at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin below.

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 31st will be our fourth Trail Hiker Meal in the Annex from 6 to 8pm. St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and St. James Episcopal Church are co-hosting this week and will be serving hams in the theme of “Ham Dinner.” We believe the Colorado Trail “bubble” is finally arriving so we’re expecting a lot of hikers at the meal. Please consider joining us tomorrow night and bringing a dish to share in that theme.

Here are your Announcements for the week:

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, July 31th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. This week’s theme is Ham Dinner–bring a themed side or dessert to share… or whatever you want. 😉

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, July 31st at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us this Tuesday morning, August 2nd at 9:00 in Darley Hall for our “read and share” Bible study.

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, August 3rd at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, August 3rd at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’ll be looking at Satan and the evil forces/celestial beings in the Bible. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 4th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

And, here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

What A Friend We have in Jesus!

Hey Everyone,

I hope all are well and enjoying the cooler weather here in Lake City tonight. I’ve been watching the forecast today and I’m still uncertain whether we’ll be inside tomorrow or out on the lawn. Please check back here for the most recent updates.

Tomorrow we continue on with our Summer Series–This is My Story, This is Our Song. This week we’ll look at What A Friend We Have in Jesus. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before the service, they can be found at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin below.

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 24th will be our third Trail Hiker Meal in the Annex from 6 to 8pm. First Baptist Church is hosting and will be serving Loaded Baked Potatoes with lots of toppings. Please consider joining us tomorrow night and bringing a dish to share.

I’ll be working with the Presbyterian Church in Montrose on Monday night, so we will NOT be having games on Monday night or our Tuesday Morning Bible Study. Everything else is still on for the week.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, July 24th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. This week’s theme is Baked Potato Bar–bring your favorite sides or desserts to accompany this American classic. 

Games Up Here
Monday night “Games up here” is cancelled this week while Jason is working with the church in Montrose. We’ll return next week at our regularly scheduled time.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
This week’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study is cancelled while Jason in Montrose. 

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, July 27th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, July 27th at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’ll be looking at several notable contradictions in the Old Testament.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, July 28th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

And, here are your Zoom links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Fifth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all well on this cloudy Thursday afternoon. With the weather forecast predicting 60% chance of rain this Sunday, please make sure you check back here for the most recent update. If it looks like it’s going to rain, we’ll move the service back into the sanctuary and offer an overflow Zoom broadcast in Darley Hall.

If you’re joining us Sunday morning via Zoom, please remember that there will be no interaction between the Zoom participants and Jason during our outside broadcasts. You will be automatically let in once the service begins. 

This Sunday we continue on with our Summer Series–This is My Story, This is Our Song. This week we’ll look at For the Beauty of the Earth.. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before the service, they can be found at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin.

Here are your Announcements for the week

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal! 
Join us this Sunday night, July 17th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. Bring a side dish to share. This week’s theme is Thanksgiving Dinner–bring your favorite turkey day dish or anything you want.

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, July 18th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us this Tuesday morning, July 19th at 9:00 in Darley Hall for our “read and share” Bible study of the book of James. This week we’ll dig into the fifth and final chapter.

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, July 20th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, July 20th at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. This week we’ll be looking at the relationship between animals and the afterlife. We’ll be exploring questions like: Do pets go to heaven? Do animals have souls? What is the relational history of humans and animals. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, July 21st at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

And, here are your links for the week ahead

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

The Trail Hiker Meals are starting!

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is well and rested from all the festivities of this past weekend. What a blessing it was to gather with folks from all over the country and celebrate the incredible freedom we have in the United States. It feels like the summer season has finally arrived, and with it some exciting places for ministry and service.

This Sunday, July 10th, we’re kicking off the Lake City Trail Hiker Meal. This week our faith community will be hosting the hiker dinner. At this very moment I’m slow roasting over 30 pounds of marinated pork for the succulent Vietnamese sandwich know as a Bánh mì. If you’ve never had one, you don’t want to miss it. Details for the hiker meal can be found below in the Announcements.

This Sunday we’re also moving the Sunday morning Worship service outside! The service will still be at 10:00am, but we’ll be in the church yard. We’ve got lots of chairs, but if you prefer to bring your own, please do so. We’re planning on being outside during the months of July and August. If there is ever a Sunday where rain is threatening, please check our website for last minute updates. Should it be raining, however, we will meet in the CPC sanctuary and use Darley Hall as an overflow. Finally, I’m thrilled to share that his year we’ll be using a microphone and speaker for the service, which should help with the traffic noise.

If you’re joining us Sunday morning via Zoom, please know that there will be no interaction between the Zoom participants and Jason during our outside broadcasts. You will be automatically let in once the service begins.

This Sunday we continue on with our Summer Series–This is My Story, This is Our Song. This week we’ll be delving into one of the great hymns of all times: Amazing Grace. If you’d like to read the lectionary texts before the service, they can be found at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin.

Here are your weekly announcements

Sunday Night Trail Hiker Meal!
The time has finally come to kick-off the Trail Hiker Meal. Join us this Sunday night, July 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center. Bring a dish to share. This week’s theme is Asian and Jason will be making Bánh mì, but you can bring anything. 😉

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, July 11th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us this Tuesday morning, July 12th at 9:00 in Darley Hall for our “read and share” Bible study of the book of James. This week we’ll dig into the fourth chapter.

Wednesday Midday Prayers
Join us this Wednesday, July 13th at noon in the CPC sanctuary for a prayer service using the Taizé chants. The prayers will last about 25-30 minutes and will include an extended time of silence. All are welcome. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, July 13th at 5:00pm at the Annex/Hiker Center for our teaching-based Bible Study. Each week, we’ll look at a different topic or question asked in our Summer Series Survey. This week we’ll be looking at the doctrine of angelology. We’ll be exploring questions like: What are angels? Where did they come from? And, what is the relationship between angels, God and  humanity.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, July 14th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

And, here are your Zoom links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study: