Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

Hey Everyone!

This week is the fourth Sunday of Epiphany, when we’ll gather together online and in the sanctuary (with masks) to worship our God. We’ll be exploring Mark 1:21-28 this week, when Jesus demonstrates his power for those in Capernaum. We’ll also be holding a congregational meeting directly following the service to approve our 2021 budget. Please plan on remaining for this important meeting.

Beyond Sunday, we’ve got our regular gatherings this week and a return of the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursdays. The details and links for this week’s gatherings are below.

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE on Monday, February 1st from 7:00-8:30pm MST to play one of our favorite games–Rolling Ranch!. Everything you need to play is located on the CPC website.

Weekly Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study this week as we look at the book of Esther. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, February 3rd from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast Resumes!
This Thursday, February 4th the Men’s Prayer Breakfast resumes at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall. Join the men of Lake City for a hearty breakfast, a time of prayer, and a exploration into the Scriptures.

Save the Date!
Next week, on Tuesday, February 9th, we’ll begin a special formational class called “Welcome to the Apostles’ Creed” This educational offering will be from 4:00 to 5:00pm MST on Zoom. Please check next week’s email and website post for the link.

Congregational Meeting
Tomorrow, Sunday, January 31 (directly after the service), we’re having a congregational meeting to approve the 2021 budget. Please remain on Zoom for the meeting.

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study: