Third Sunday of Easter

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the weather in your respective locations. We’re getting snow in Lake City, but it’s beautiful. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Here are your announcements and links for the Third week of Easter.

Games Up Here
Join us Monday night, April 18th from 7:00-8:00pm MST for a game of TRUCK OFF–live at the Annex or on Zoom. Check our website’s Game Up Here page for player sheets, instructions, and the Zoom link.

Weekly Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Wednesday night Bible Study as we explore the book of Lamentations. This week, we’ll be meeting on Zoom from 5:00-6:30 on Wednesday, April  21st. Links are on our site and previous week’s studies are available on our YouTube page. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join us this Thursday, April 22nd at 7:00am MST for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the Baptist Fellowship Hall. 

Communal Fellowship After Sunday Worship
Starting next week, we’ll be having a communal fellowship time after the worship service. Come to worship in the sanctuary and join us after for coffee and cookies. 

Here are your links and the Order of Worship for this week!

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study: