Summer is Here!

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all keeping warm on this chilly Saturday morning. The weather has definitely taken an unexpected turn, but I’m sure we’re all thankful for the rain.

Given the current wetness and cooler temperatures, however, we’re going to hold tomorrow’s Sunday Worship Service inside. We’re still meeting at 10:00am, just in the sanctuary. Zoom will be available as usual and the link is below. Tomorrow’s preaching text is from Lamentations 3:22-33, where we’ll explore the depths of God’s mercies. You can read the passage and the other lectionary texts here.

I’ve also got some sad news to share. This past Monday, June 21st, Martha Stevens died in her home in Wichita, Kansas. For those who may not know, Martha was a former Lake City summer resident who attended CPC. We hold the Stevens family in our prayers this week.

And, here are the announcements for this week!

Games Up Here
On Monday, June 28th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing another game of METRO–the roll-and-write game based on the Tokyo subway. Join us on Zoom and in-person at the Annex (and then stay after for more in-person gaming).

Tea Time Tuesday
Join us this Tuesday, June 29th from 2-4pm for Tea Time Tuesday on the lawn. This week’s featured iced tea will be Japanese Twig Tea. 

NO Bible Study this Week
We’re taking a week off for our Wednesday night Bible study. We’ll return on July 7th with an introduction to the New Testament. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, July 1st at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

Summer Book Club
There are still copies of our summer book club selection–Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World by Jonathan Wilson. Pick up a copy today in Darley Hall. 

Cookies Drive
Please bake and drop off a batch or two of your favorite cookies in Darley this week. Zippered freezer bags are suggested for transport. Please indicate if there are nuts in the cookies or if the cookies are gluten free. 

4th of July Worship Service
Next Sunday is our Lake City Community Worship Service on the 4th of July. The community service will held on the soccer field at 9:00am. Please bring your own chairs. Restrooms will be available at the Medical Center.

Here are your links for this week!

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: