Hey Everyone,
I’m certain that’s a question that some of you are asking. As many of you know, I will be taking three weeks vacation in October. During that time, my family and I will be visiting Judah in Santa Fe, doing some work on our house and I’ll end my time away, conducting a wedding in Pittsburgh for a old friend of our family. I will return on Thursday, October 26th with a frighteningly scary Bible study on the topic of Halloween. We’ll meet at 5:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex for this chilling gathering. 🙂
And, for those wondering what the plan is for Sunday morning worship. I’m delighted to share that our Session and a few other folks from the body will be leading us in worship for the next three weeks. We’ve got a great line up of preachers, we’ll be singing hymns from our summer series, and as always, we’ll still have cookies and coffee fellowship. (Speaking of which, we could use a few more dozen cookies for those who like to bake). 🙂
On October 9th, Rev. Keri Shelton, the Stated Clerk of Presbytery of Western Colorado, will be preaching. Then, on October 16th, we’ll have a blast-from-the-past preacher, as Dr. John Roose graces our pulpit once again. Rounding out this trifecta, I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that our very own Ron Bruce will be bringing the Word on the third Sunday, October 23rd.
Although our Clerk of Session, John Bonner, will be bringing you the most up-to-date announcements each week, just a reminder… There will be NO Games Up Here or Wednesday Bible Study for the next three weeks.
We’ll still be Zoom broadcasting during my vacation and you can attend our Sunday services through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88489308747?pwd=RHVFY1BybkU0a1RXZE9GRlBZWWpNUT09
Also, if you’re joining us via Zoom (or are just curious about what’s ahead), here are the Order of Worship bulletins for the next three weeks.