Fifth Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already the fifth Sunday of Lent. Yet, it’s here and that means that the beginning of Holy Week and Easter are right around the corner. This coming week, things look fairly similar in the life of our church, but there are a few things you should be aware of as we approach this sacred week.

First, next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we’ll have palm reeds for everyone. It’s also the first Sunday of the month which means we’ll be celebrating communion and we’ll be having our first-of-the-month potluck. And if that’s not enough, we’ll also be ordaining and installing our newest elders–Al Lutz and Ron Bruce. It’s going to be a Sunday to remember, so set aside some red clothing (because Palm Sunday’s liturgical color is red, which is also the color for ordination and installation) because it’s going to be a good one.

This Sunday we’ll be looking at the narrative of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead found in John 11. You can read that passage and the other lectionary texts in the online order of worship bulletin which is downloadable below.

For those looking ahead to Holy Week, here is the list of opportunities for that week:

Sunday, April 2
Palm Sunday Worship Service at CPC at 10:00am

Monday, April 3
Showing of the Passion of the Christ in the Annex at 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 5
Midday Lenten Prayers in the sanctuary at 12:00pm
Final Cost of Discipleship Reading Group in Darley Hall at 5:00pm

Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday Meal & Service Service in Darley Hall at 6:00pm

Friday, April 7
Good Friday Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 12:00pm
Stations of the Cross at St. Rose Roman Catholic church at 5:00pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Community Presbyterian Church at 8:00pm

Sunday, April 9
“Sunrise” Communion Service St. James Episcopal Church at 8:00am
Community Breakfast at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall at 9:00am
Service of the Resurrection at Lake City Armory at 10:30am
Easter Mass at St. Rose Roman Catholic Church at 3:30pm

Here are your Announcements for the week ahead:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is back tonight at our normally scheduled time–4:00pm.

Games Up Here
Monday night games is on for this week. Join Jason and Silas for games at the Annex on Monday, March 27th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group will meet this Wednesday, March 29th in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 30th at 7:00am.

And, here are the links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group