Greetings to all,
I’m sitting down this morning, on the eve of Holy Week, to make this post. It really is hard to believe that Easter is only a week away. Tomorrow morning we’ll enter into this sacred week with our Palm Sunday Worship Service at 10am, which will include both an ordination and the installation of our new ruling elders–Al Lutz and Ron Bruce. We will also be celebrating the Eucharist, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast.
Following the service we’ll have our first-of-the-month potluck in a “Spring Brunch” theme. So whip up your favorite brunchy dish and join us tomorrow for this special fellowship. We’ve got a lot to celebrate.
My sermon tomorrow will come from the only lectionary reading for Palm Sunday, Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. You can read that text in the online Order of Worship, which can be downloaded below. There’s a lot going on this week, so please check both the Holy Week schedule and the announcements below.
Here’s the Holy Week schedule for all of the Lake City churches, followed by the announcements for this week. Please note which regular gatherings are cancelled.
2023 Holy Week Schedule
Lake City Churches
Monday, April 3
Showing of The Passion of the Christ in the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday Meal and Service in Darley Hall at 6:00pm
RSVP by Monday April 3rd with names of participants to 206-962-9886
Good Friday, April 7
Good Friday Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 12:00pm
Stations of the Cross at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 5:00pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Community Presbyterian Church at 8:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 9
“Sunrise” Communion Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 8:00am
Community Easter Breakfast at the First Baptist Fellowship Hall at 9:00am
Community Easter Service at the Lake City Armory at 10:30am
Easter Mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 3:30pm
Announcements for Holy Week
Cancelled Gatherings
Just a reminder, the following gatherings are cancelled this week: Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth, Monday Night Games.
Lenten Prayers
Join us for our final Lenten Midday Prayers with the Taizé chants at noon on, Wednesday, April 5th.
Cost of Discipleship Reading Group
Wednesday, April 5th is our final gathering for the reading group. Join us online or in person at 5:00pm.
Community Easter Breakfast
Don’t forget to sign up this morning, Sunday, April 2 to bring a brunch dish to the ecumenical community Easter breakfast at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Easter morning at 9:00am. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in Darley Hall.
We extend a special congratulations and thank you to Ron Bruce and Al Lutz for being installed this morning as ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are grateful for your ministry and look forward to being lead by you.
And, here are you links and the order of worship for this week:
Sunday Worship Service:
Cost of Discipleship Reading Group