Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone!

I hope this short post finds you all well and basking in the glory of God’s creation. I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of the beauty the changing of the aspens brings to Lake City.

If you’re in town and want to get some intergenerational exercise, tonight, Friday September 29th, I’ll be hosting Nerf Nation! in the Lake City Armory from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Bring eye protection and a Nerf Rival gun if you have one.

It’s the first Sunday of October and the first Sunday of the month which means we’re both celebrating communion and having our first potluck of the autumn. If you’re joining us online, please remember to bring your communion elements with you to the broadcast.

If you are planning on joining us after service for our first-of-the-month potluck, our theme is soup. Break out your favorite soup recipe or bring a side or dessert and join us for a time of fellowship and food after the service.

There aren’t really any announcements this week other than to let you know that although the Lake City Trail Hiker Center is officially closed, there are still hikers in town who are looking for rides to and from the pass.

Finally, as many of you know, our dear brother Burton Smith died last week. For those hoping to attend his memorial service, it will be held in the Baptist Fellowship Hall on October 14th, at 10:00am.

Summer Community Worship Service: