Hey Everyone,
I hope this email finds you all well. This will be my last post for a few weeks as I begin a three-week break staring tomorrow, Monday, October 16th. I’ll return to worship on Sunday, November 5th.
Next week, Sunday, October 22nd, you all will be led by our ruling elders as CPC joins in a service of song and scripture. Then, on Sunday, October 29th, the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Western Colorado, Rev. Keri Shelton will lead you in worship and will be our guest preacher for the week.
All of the downloadable weekly Order of Worship bulletins can be found below. Each bulletin contain the lectionary readings for that week. If you’re attending online, you can find that link below as well.
If you’re joining us for the November 5th service, please remember that we’ll both be celebrating communion that week and having our monthly first-of-the-month potluck.
In November, the theme for the potluck is Thanksgiving!
Just a reminder, this is more of a “Staycation” for me and my family. Although I will be traveling to fetch my mother from Columbus later in the month, I’ll only be gone a few days. While I don’t intend on engaging in the day-to-day routine of my pastoral duties, please know that if you have a pastoral emergency, I am available. To reach me, please text me.
While there isn’t any official announcements, I wanted you to be aware that we’re starting a new book study after I return on the 5th of November. You can read about that below.

On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, & Getting Old
Join us this autumn for our weekly Bible study, which returns on Wednesday, November 8th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall. For seven weeks, we’ll delve into Parker Palmer’s book, On the Brink of Everything. In all my years of study, Palmer stands out as one of the most profound and thoughtful writers I’ve ever studied. In his tenth and final book, this seasoned octogenarian reflects on what it means to age. The book can be found on all major online retail outlets for $13.00 or less in hardback format. Please note in the schedule below the shifting of the weekly meeting date on November 21st (for Thanksgiving) and December 7th (for St. Nicholas Day).
On the Brink of Everything Schedule
Week 1–(November 8th): Prelude & Chapter 1: The View from the Brink
Week 2–(November 15th): Young & Old: The Dance of the Generations
Week 3–(*November 21st): Getting Real: From Illusion to Reality
Week 4–(November 29th): Work & Vocation: Writing a Life
Week 5–(*December 7th): Keep Reaching Out: Staying Engaged with the World
Week 6–(December 13th): Keep Reaching In: Staying Engaged with Your Soul
Week 7–(December 20th): Over the Edge: Where We Go When We Die
Sunday Worship Service: