Hey Everyone,
Well, it’s that time of year, when everything calms down and goes back to normal. I don’t know about you, but I am having a mixed feeling of loss, as so many of you are returning home this week (or have already left), and anticipation for season of rest ahead.
This past week, we wrapped up our World Religion Bible Study Class. All the sessions are now available on our YouTube page. There will be no Bible Study until later in October.
This Sunday, September 24, we’ll ease back into our normal rhythms of worship. If you’re interested in the lectionary texts, they are at the end of the online order of worship below.
Here are your announcements for the week:
Trail Hiker Center
For the last week of the month (starting Monday, September 25th), we need help in two areas: 1) covering the 11am-1pm shift at the hiker center and 2) shuttle hikers to and from Spring Creek Pass at noon.
Games Up Here
Join us for games this Monday, September 25th at 7:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex!
Wednesday Bible Study
No Wednesday Bible Study Week.
And, here’s your links worship this Sunday:
Summer Community Worship Service: