Together again!

If you didn’t know already, this coming Sunday, June 28th, Community Presbyterian Church will be holding our first in-person service in over three months! No doubt that is exciting news for all. With that in mind, however, there are a few precautions that we’ll need to be mindful of in order to make our worship as safe as possible for all. Please read the following guidelines to help us make our Sunday Worship a blessing for everyone.

1) TIME: We’re meeting in the church yard and the service will begin at 9:30am. Please arrive early enough to be seated. Keep in mind, if you’re out of town or just can’t give up wearing pajamas to church, we’ll still be broadcasting the service via Zoom at the same time (links below).

2) SEATING: We’ll be setting up pairs of folding chairs that will be 6 feet or more apart. If you’re not a fan of folding chairs, you’re welcome to bring your own chairs (BYOC). 😉 We will be wiping down all the chairs before and after the service. If you have a party of more than two, just let the greeters know and we’ll adjust accordingly.

3) FACE COVERINGS: We’re asking that everyone bring a face covering and we’re encouraging you to wear them during the service (especially during the singing). The lawn area to the right of the columbarium (near Gunnison Avenue) is available for those who prefer to keep their face coverings on for the duration of the service. Please sit where you are most comfortable.

4) ORDER OF WORSHIP: The worship bulletin will be distributed at the gates, so no need to print them out before you come. We will not be printing the announcement, but you can still read them by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post. If you’re connecting on Zoom, you should print the Order of Worship out, as we will not be sharing it on the screen during the service.

5) OFFERING: We will not be passing the offering plate during the service, but there will be a designated box for tithes and offerings to be given.

6) RAIN OR ZOOM: Should it look like it’s going to rain on Sunday morning, I’ll be sending out a last minute email (before 9:00am) to let you all know that we’re switching back to Zoom. Please check your email before the service if you think it’s going to rain.

7) PARKING: There is plenty of parking around the church, but we’re going to reserve the parking to the north of the church yard for anyone who would like to remain in their car during the service.

8) ARRIVING AND DEPARTING: While we’re certain that many of you will linger after the service, please avoid gathering near the gates to provide ample room for folks to exit the church yard.

9) BIBLES & HYMNALS: Neither Bibles nor hymnals will be available for your use on Sunday. The hymn lyrics will be included in the Order of Worship. If you’d like to read along with the Scriptures, please bring your own Bible.

10) RESTROOMS: The church restrooms will be available for use. We ask that you enter the building through the north door (near the office) and exit through Darley Hall. And, please be mindful of those who might also be in the hallway.

And… that’s it. 🙂

In other news, we had another wonderful Tea Time Tuesday this past week, and we’d love to be able to meet more of you as the summer unfolds, so consider joining us from 2:00-4:00pm next week. You can also connect with our community at our Bible Study on Wednesday (4:30pm) and our Games Up Here, now on Mondays at 7:00pm. As always, all of the Zoom links for our online gatherings are below:

Games Up Here (Thursday, June 25 & Monday, June 29):

Sunday Worship (June 28):

Wednesday Bible Study (July 1):

Summer is Here!

Well, that’s not entirely true, technically, summer is still two days away. But it’s starting to feel like summer nonetheless. We had a great little Tea Time Tuesday this past week. What a blessing it was to be able to meet a few more folks in person. Tea Time Tuesdays will be back next week with a surprise tea from the Far East, so consider joining us from 2:00-4:00pm next week. You can also connect with our community at our Bible Study on Wednesday (4:30pm) and our Games Up Here on Thursday (7:00pm). And, naturally, you’re always welcome to join us for Sunday morning worship (9:30am). All of the Zoom links for our online gatherings are below:

Tonight’s Games Up Here (June 18):

Sunday Worship (June 21):

Wednesday Bible Study (June 24):

Join us Sunday!

Hey CPC,

Although last Sunday began “ordinary time” in the liturgical calendar, this Sunday will be anything but ordinary. In worship this week, I’ll be preaching from Ecclesiastes 3 as we pause to consider everything is happening in our society today. We’ve also got a special music offering as part of our service, from our very own Bill Goodwin. Join us this Sunday on Zoom at 9:30am MST The Zoom links are below.

It’s time for Tea Time Tuesday!
This Tuesday, June 16 (and for the next few weeks) I’ll be hosting “Tea Time Tuesdays” at two o’clock for two hours (2:00pm to 4:00pm). Recognizing that some of you would like to connect in person with one another and that other might want to meet me (Jason), we’re having an informal gathering by the columbarium in the church’s side yard, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Come drop by the side yard at the church and have a cup of iced tea with me and other friends from our faith community. 🙂

Finally, this week, we’re starting the next Bible Study series with the book, Acts of the Apostles. Consider joining us as we meet this Wednesday, June 17 from 4:30-6:00pm MST. All are welcome and invited to read Acts 1-2 in preparation. And, here’s the Zoom link for the Bible Study:  Also, follow this link to watch a video summary of Acts 1-12:

All of the Zoom links for our online gatherings are below:

Tonight’s Games Up Here (June 11):

Sunday Worship (June 14):

Wednesday Bible Study (June 17):

Trinity Sunday

Hey CPC,

This Sunday begins “ordinary time” in the liturgical calendar. It means that our paraments will turn green until the beginning of Advent. And, if that’s not enough… it’s also Trinity Sunday! In worship this week, I’ll be preaching from the creation account in Genesis 1&2. Join us this Sunday on Zoom at 9:30am MST as we explore what it means to be created in the image of a Triune God. The Zoom links are below.

Interested in helping get the church ready for the summer? Tomorrow morning (Friday, June 5), folks from CPC will be gathering at the church at 10:30am to do some flower planting. Drinks and watermelon will be provided. We will be mindful of social distance regulations and everyone is encouraged to bring face masks (and gardening gloves if you have them). 🙂

All of the Zoom links for our online gatherings are below:

Tonight’s Games Up Here (June 4):

Sunday Worship (June 7):

Wednesday Bible Study (June 10):

Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (June 11):

Pentecost Sunday!

Hey CPC,

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday! This week we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit in the world. Join us this Sunday on Zoom at 9:30am MST. The Zoom links are below.

Interested in helping get the church ready for the summer? We need folks to help do some weeding and flower planting (sometime later in June). If you’re interested in getting your fingers in the dirt, please let me know (

All of the Zoom links for our online gatherings are below.

Tonight’s Games Up Here (May 28):

Sunday Worship (May 31):

Wednesday Bible Study (June 3):

Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (June 4):

New game for Thursday night “Games Up Here”

Hey CPC!

We’re playing a new “roll and write” game tomorrow night!

Join us at 7:00pm for an introduction to On Tour (the actual game will start at 7:30pm). For player sheet, rules and intro video follow the link:

You’ll need to download and print the player sheet (found here).

The Zoom link for Thursday night (7:00pm) game of On Tour here.

Seventh Sunday of Easter–Ascension Sunday

Hey CPC,

This Sunday is the seventh Sunday of Easter, which is also Ascension Sunday. This week we celebrate Jesus Christ’s return to the Father and the call He places on us to bear witness in our world.

And… there is also a congregational meeting after the service so please stay on the Zoom call after the postlude. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes. 🙂

Interested in helping get the church ready for the summer? We need folks to help do some weeding and flower planting in the weeks to come. If you’re interested in getting your fingers in the dirt, please let me know (

All of the Zoom links for these online gatherings are below.

Tonight’s Games Up Here (May 21):

Sunday Worship (May 24):

Wednesday Bible Study (May 27)

Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (May 28):

Sixth Week of Easter!

Hey CPC!

It’s hard to believe it’s the middle of May already. I know many of you (both in and outside of Lake City) are getting antsy as the warmer weather shifts our minds toward summer. Even though we’re uncertain as to what this summer will hold in terms of congregational gatherings, I’m thankful that we have a means to connect each week, through Sunday morning worship, Wednesday Bible study, and Thursday night games. 😉

All of the Zoom links for these online gatherings are below.

Tonight’s Games Up Here (May 14):

Sunday Worship (May 17):

Wednesday Bible Study (May 20)

Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (May 21):

And, if you’re looking for the Order of Worship: Sixth Sunday of Easter Order of Worship

Fifth Week of Easter

Hey CPC!

This coming week there are three online opportunities for you to connect. All of the Zoom links for those gatherings are below. We’re hoping you can join us for our Sunday Worship Service (from 9:30am-10:30am) and our weekly Bible Study (Wednesday from 4:30pm-6:00pm).

I’d also like you to consider joining us from 7:00-8:30pm on Thursdays for “Games Up Here.” We’re going to continue playing “Welcome to…” this week. Even if you’ve never played before, join us at 7:00pm and I’ll explain the rules. 🙂

Here are the Zoom links:

Tonight’s Games Up Here (May 7):

Sunday Worship (May 10):

Wednesday Bible Study (May 13):

Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (May 14):

And, if you’re looking for the Order of Worship: Fifth Sunday of Easter

See you online soon!


Zoom Links for CPC Gatherings

Happy Thursday! I hope you’re all well and in good spirits. Things are continuing to unfold here at Community Presbyterian Church as we figure out what it means to be a community of faith during a time of isolation. So, in addition to our weekly Worship Service (Sundays from 9:30am-10:30am) and our weekly Bible Study (Wednesday from 4:30pm-6:00pm), we’re now inviting you to join us on Thursday nights for online interactive board games (or what I’m calling “Games up here”). You can read more about the game in the previous post. All of the Zoom links are below along with the order of worship for this Sunday (May 3rd).

And, here are the Zoom links:
Tonight’s Games Up Here (April 30):
Sunday Worship (May 3):
Wednesday Bible Study (May 6)
Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (May 7):

See you online soon!
