Zoom Links for CPC Gatherings

Happy Thursday! I hope you’re all well and in good spirits. Things are continuing to unfold here at Community Presbyterian Church as we figure out what it means to be a community of faith during a time of isolation. So, in addition to our weekly Worship Service (Sundays from 9:30am-10:30am) and our weekly Bible Study (Wednesday from 4:30pm-6:00pm), we’re now inviting you to join us on Thursday nights for online interactive board games (or what I’m calling “Games up here”). You can read more about the game in the previous post. All of the Zoom links are below along with the order of worship for this Sunday (May 3rd).

And, here are the Zoom links:
Tonight’s Games Up Here (April 30): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254064116
Sunday Worship (May 3):https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88489308747
Wednesday Bible Study (May 6)https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83431443393
Next Thursday’s Games Up Here (May 7):https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254064116

See you online soon!


Thursday night is Game Night!

Hey CPC!

For those who missed it last week, I’m hosting another game of “Welcome to…” tonight, Thursday, April 30 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

7:00 is the introduction and rules and the actual game will start at 7:30. The Zoom link for the game is at the end of this post.

“Welcome To…” is a tabletop board game that uses a “flip and write” rule (similar to Yahtzee’s roll and write). It’s themed around numbering rows of houses in a neighborhood so that each of the three streets (on your player sheet) are numbered from lowest to highest. Everyone has their own “player sheet” on which they write their numbers (which is part of why we can do this live online). To learn more about the game, follow this link– https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/233867/welcome

Every person playing will need their own player sheet (unless you’re playing in teams). The player sheets (which were posted last Thursday and can still be found on this feed) can be printed from your color printer or feel free to come tear off a player sheet (on a chair, just inside the front door of the Presbyterian Church). Take as many player sheets as you have players (each person will need their own).

The Zoom link for tonight is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254064116

I hope to see you online. 🙂


All Things New

Welcome to Community Presbyterian Church’s new website. As we live into the Easter Season, we’re reminded that all things were made new in Christ. In that spirit, we’re launching a fresh start to our congregation’s website. From now on, we’ll be using a WordPress platform to manage our online content. We’ll be making improvements to the site weekly, so check back often.