Happy Friday Everyone!
It looks like we have a beautiful weekend ahead of us, which is perfect because we’re moving our Sunday Worship OUTSIDE! That’s right, this Sunday, June 13th at 10:00am, we’ll start our summer outdoor services on the CPC lawn (at 10:00am). If you have lawn chairs that you prefer to sit on, bring them along, or sit on one of our deluxe padded folding chairs. A time of coffee and fellowship will follow the 10 o’clock service.
This week’s preaching text is 2 Corinthians 5:6-17. You can read it and the other lectionary texts listed in the order of worship here.
Games Up Here
We’re playing a game of Bloom, the flower shop roll and write on Monday, June 14th from 7:00-8:30pm MST. Join us on Zoom and in-person at the Annex, and then stay after for more in-person gaming. Everything you need is on the CPC website under the Games Up Here page.
Tea Time Tuesday
Join us this Tuesday, June 15th from 2-4pm when Tea Time Tuesday moves to the CPC lawn (by the columbarium.) This week’s iced tea will be rooibos, the South African red bush tea, and it will be served with rusk, a buttermilk biscotti style biscuit cookie.
Bible Study this Week
Join us for our weekly Bible study on Wednesday June 16th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, as we finish off the last two books of the Bible–Zechariah and Malachi. We’ll meet on Zoom and in the CPC sanctuary.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, June 17th at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast.
CPC Work Day
Join us on Saturday, June 19th from 9-12pm for one more work day. This week, we’ll be cleaning up the front of the church and tidying up the front of the Annex.
Summer Book Club
Starting next Sunday, June 20th, our summer book club selection–Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World by Jonathan Wilson–will be available for pickup in Darley Hall.
And, here are your weekly links:
Sunday Worship Service:
Monday Games Up Here:
Wednesday Bible Study: