Beginning our Journey into Lent

Hey Everyone,

I hope this short post finds you all well as we enter the lenten season. Even though it’s just begun, I feel I’ve been experiencing a bit of a lenten journey myself over the past five weeks. Without question, I have a newfound respect and admiration for those of you who have travelled down these paths before me. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your prayers and support during this season.

The light is growing brighter at the end of the tunnel and we’re planning on leaving early next week. This means that I’ll be away from the pulpit for one more week. Fortunately, I’m blessed with an incredible colleague in Lake City and a stellar team of elders. Many, many thanks to Lyn Lampert for filling in for me, and also much gratitude for CPC elders for making sure things run smoothly while I’m away.

This Sunday, February 18th will be the first Sunday of Lent, during which we’ll begin Christ’s journey toward the cross. This week, we turn to the Gospel of Mark, as he narrates the wilderness temptation. If you haven’t read the passage in sometime, I’d encourage you to read the lectionary texts for this week, which can be found at the end of the downloadable online Order of Worship below.

Here is your Zoom link and the Order of Worship for the First Sunday of Lent: 

Sunday Worship Service:

Grace and Peace,


A Little Longer…

Hey Everyone,

Happy Ground Hog Day! I’m not sure if our furry little friend saw his shadow today, but I am sure that I feel like I’ve been living in the movie Groundhog Day for the past few weeks. Every day feels like the same here in Columbus… wake up-sort stuff-pack stuff-sort stuff-toss stuff-sort stuff-go to bed. Sometimes, it’s difficult to remember what day of the week it is. It’s been a challenging journey no doubt, but we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and looking forward to returning to Lake City.

You might have heard that we’re extending our time in Ohio. The task was a bit bigger than I anticipated, so I’ll be away from CPC until the week of Valentine’s Day. Lyn Lampert has gracious agreed to continue in our Sunday worship leadership. He’s done such an incredible job filling in for me during my time away. Thank you Lyn. And, many thanks to all of the elders who have served in so many little jobs throughout the week to keep our community growing in faith. We’re blessed with a great team of elders.

Given my delayed return, the downloadable Orders of Worship for the next two weeks–February 4th and 11th–can be found below. Keep in mind, although you won’t be celebrating communion next week, our first-of-the-month-potluck is still happening. Join CPC for a Valentine’s themed potluck this Sunday, February 4th, directly after the morning worship.

Finally, I want to express a huge “thank you” for all of your prayers, emails, texts, and words of support that you’ve offered over the past few weeks. It’s comforting to know that many of you have gone through similar transitions with your parents. Despite being a well-trodden road, the path can sometimes seem bewildering. Knowing we have a faith community holding us in prayer means the world to us. We miss and love you all.

See you soon,


Here is your Zoom link for the February Sunday worship services: 

Sunday Worship Service:

And, here are your Order of Worship bulletins for the next two weeks:

January Worship at CPC

Hey Everyone,

Blessed Epiphany!

And, happy new year! I hope the first few days of 2024 have been filled with hope and joy as we’ve closed out the Christmas season. For those who might have forgotten, today, Saturday, January 6th is Epiphany–a special holy day in the liturgical calendar to celebrate the arrival of the Magi (the three wisemen). Therefore, tomorrow, Sunday, January 7th, we’ll celebrate Epiphany Sunday by revisiting this incredible narrative.

We’ll also be celebrating communion, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast. The Order of Worship for tomorrow’s service (and all of the lectionary passages) can be found in the downloadable bulletin below.

After tomorrow’s worship service, we’ll all gather in Darley Hall for our first-of-the-month-potluck! The theme for our potluck tomorrow is “breakfast.” So break out your favorite breakfast casserole recipe or just grab a box of cereal and some milk… Whatever you bring, please join us for breakfast after the service during our fellowship time.

Speaking of fellowship, we’re running low on cookies. If you’re in town and can bake some cookies, we’d ask that you bake two dozen (or more) cookies and put them in the Darley Hall freezer in a zipper bag.

A special thanks to all of you who brought canned goods or donated to our special offering this past Sunday. Yesterday, I delivered all your donations to the Hinsdale County Public Health office with a check for $1,000. They were grateful for this contribution to support our community. Also, many thanks to those of you who dropped off or sent tea! We appreciate the little ways you support this ministry. Thank you all!

As many of you know, I’ll be taking the next three weeks off to transition my mother to Lake City permanently. Consequently, Lyn Lampert will be leading our Sunday worship services through the end of the month. Thanks so much Lyn! The Order of Worship bulletins for the rest of the month can be downloaded below. If you have any questions about the worship services, please reach out to our ruling elders.

There will be no Games Up Here on Mondays or Bible Study on Wednesdays for the rest of the month. Men’s Prayer Breakfast is back in session and continues to meet weekly at 7:00am on Thursday mornings at the First Baptist Fellowship Hall. Please contact John Bonner for more details or with any questions.

Here is your Zoom link for the January Sunday worship services:

Sunday Worship Service:

And, here are your Order of Worship bulletins for January:

That’s it for now everyone. May your January be filled with rest and restoration as we prepare for the season of Lent, starting February 14, 2024.

With much gratitude,


First Sunday of Christmas

Hey Everyone,

I hope this post finds you all well and experiencing the blessings of the Christmas season. This Sunday, December 31st is the First Sunday of Christmas and it’s also New Year’s Day Eve. We’ll be gathering as usual at 10am for Sunday morning worship, followed by our cookie and coffee fellowship. Below you’ll find the announcements and links for the week and the Order of Worship bulletin for this Sunday’s worship service.

Here are your announcement for the week:

Games Up Here
No games this week.

January Session
The elders of CPC will be meeting for our monthly session meeting on Wednesday, January 3rd at 10am in Darley Hall.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us for the final chapter of On the Brink of Everything on Wednesday, January 3rd at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall. 

Communion next week
Don’t forget that we’ll be celebrating communion next Sunday, January 7th. If you’re joining us online, remember to bring your communion elements to the broadcast.

January Potluck
Join us for our first-Sunday-of-the-year-potluck on Sunday, January 7th, directly after the service. The theme is breakfast! 

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well on this Christmas Adam. Tonight, we’ll be serving ribs in honor of this special day. After all, you couldn’t have a Christmas Eve, without a Christmas Adam. 😉

As we approach Christmas, I just want to remind you of a few quick items. First, don’t forget that tomorrow morning we’ll celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent during which we’ll light the Candle of Love. Join us at 10am in person and online.

Then, tomorrow night, we’ll gather again in the yard of the church at 5:30pm for our Candle Light Song and Scripture Christmas Eve Service.

Our weekly gatherings for games and our book study have been cancelled. You can find out more about them below. Here are your two announcements, your Sunday service link, and the order of worship:

Games Up Here
No games this week! 

Wednesday Bible Study
We’re taking a break from our book study for the first week of Christmas. Join us for the final chapter of On the Brink of Everything on Wednesday, January 3rd at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall.

Sunday Worship Service:

Third Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well as we end this second week of Advent. Tomorrow, December 17th, we’ll light the Candle of Joy and I’ll be preaching on the Magnificat–Mary’s prayerful song to God. We’ll be lighting the pink candle, so don’t forget to wear pink. 🙂

Below you’ll find the rest of the announcements for the week ahead:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, December 18th in Darley Hall at 7:00pm.  

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, December 20th at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall as we explore the sixth chapter of On the Brink of Everything.

Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve
Just a reminder that we will be having morning worship next week for the fourth Sunday of Advent at 10am (just like every other week). The Christmas Eve service will also be on Sunday, December 24th in the yard of CPC at 5:30pm, when we’ll read Scriptures and sing in the holy season of Christmas.

Here are your Zoom links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Second Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in the Second week of Advent. Christmas, New Year’s day, and Epiphany are just around the corner. Before we know it, these holy days will be gone. Below you’ll find everything you need to know about the week ahead at CPC.

This Sunday, December 10th, we’ll light the second candle of Advent: the Candle of Peace. You can the lectionary texts for the week and the order of worship below.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, December 11th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

December Session
This Wednesday, December 13th, the CPC Session will meet in Darley Hall at 10am. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, December 13th at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall as we explore the fifth chapter of On the Brink of Everything–Keep Reaching Out: Staying Engaged with the World. 

And here are the links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

First Sunday of Advent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and in good spirits as we begin the new liturgical season this weekend. As we prepare for Advent, don’t forget to come out tomorrow morning, Friday, December 1st at 10am as we decorate the sanctuary and hang garland on the church fence.

On December 3rd, we’ll celebrate the first Sunday of Advent by lighting the Candle of Hope and beginning our Advent journey. Additionally, we’ll be celebrating communion during the service, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your bread and juice/wine to the broadcast.

Following the service this Sunday we’ll gather together in Darley Hall for the first-Sunday-of-the-month-potluck! The theme for this month’s potluck is “Christmas Brunch.” So break out your favorite soufflé recipe, breakfast dish, or whatever you want to bring, and join us for this special Sunday.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, December 4th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, December 6th at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall as we explore the fourth chapter of On the Brink of Everything.  

And, here are the links for the week ahead:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Christ the King Sunday

Hey Everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your turkey day celebrations were blessed and that your holiday weekend is filled with much joy. In a couple of days, we’ll celebrate Christ the King Sunday, which marks the end of the liturgical season and the last Sunday before the start of Advent.

This week, there won’t be any Monday night games, but we will be meeting for Wednesday’s Bible Study. There won’t be any Men’s prayer breakfast, but we will be meeting to decorate the church. You can find more detail about these updates below.

Here are your announcement for this week:

Games Up Here
No games this Monday, November 27. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, November 29th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we begin the third chapter of Parker Palmer’s On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old. Previous studies are available on our Youtube page. You can find the links on our website. 

Decorating the Church
This Friday, December 1st we’ll gather together at 10am to decorate our sanctuary and Darley Hall, and hang the garland on the church fence.

And here are your links for the week:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone is well and ready for Thanksgiving. This holiday season, we’ve got a few changes in our weekly schedule. Please take note in the Announcements below what is happening this week and what has been cancelled.

Beyond the programmatic announcements, I’d also like to draw your attention to a couple of additional pieces of information. First, our cookie supply for fellowship is running low, so it’s time for a COOKIE DRIVE!! Please consider making a couple dozen cookies and putting them in a ziplock bag and dropping them off in the freezer in Darley Hall.

Next, we want to make sure that everyone in our faith community has a place to go for Thanksgiving. If you don’t have plans for the holiday, I’d like you to call me or text me at (206) 962-9886, and let me know. And, if you’re willing to welcome someone in your home for a thanksgiving meal, please call or text me at the same number. We want to make sure that everyone has a place to go this holiday season.

This Sunday, we’ll be exploring the parable of the talents from Matthew. You can find the gospel text, the other lectionary readings, and the online order of worship below.

Here are your announcements for the holiday week ahead.:

Games Up Here
We’re playing games this Monday, November 20th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
We’re taking this Wednesday off from weekly Bible Study for the Thanksgiving holiday. Join us the following Wednesday, November 29th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we begin the third chapter of Parker Palmer’s On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is taking a holiday break. Men’s Prayer Breakfasts will resume after the New Year on Thursday, January 4, 2024.

And, here are your links for Sunday worship:

Sunday Worship Service: