Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

Sorry this post is coming so late on Saturday. I’ve been on the go at this ELCA conference I’m speaking at. Today alone, I will have taught/spoken five different times (for over six hours of teaching). It’s been a blessing to be with our reformed brothers and sisters in the Lutheran church. šŸ˜‰ That said, I’m excited to be able to connect with you all tomorrow on our Zoom worship service.

Just a reminder, because I’m in Minneapolis, tomorrow’s Sunday morning worship service will be completely on Zoom. There will be a Zoom video connection available in Darley Hall for any visitors who show up for the service on Sunday. Tomorrow’s preaching text is from Luke 6:17-26. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here.

Beyond those reminders, here are your announcements for the week!

Games Up Here
There will be no Games Up Here for the next two week.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, February 16th from 5:00-6:30pm as we look at Hebrews. The Zoom link can be found on our website and in Jason’s weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, February 17th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

And, here are your Zoom links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well and in good spirits on this sunny (in Lake City) Thursday afternoon. I’m happy to share that this Sunday will be our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck in Darley Hall directly after the morning worship service. As I was rooting around the church, I found some Valentine’s Day decorationsā€“ So… wear some red, bring some spicy food (or whatever you want to bring) and join us for food and fellowship this Sunday.

This Sunday we’ll also be celebrating the Eucharist, so please remember, if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your own bread and juice/wine to the broadcast. This week’s preaching text is an interesting one, a fishy one you might say. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here.

Here are your announcements for this week:

Games Up Here
Monday night games are happening this week! Join us tomorrow night, February 7th at the Annex at 7:00pm for tabletop games. If you’d like to join us via Zoom, text or email Jason.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, February 9th from 5:00-6:30pm as we look at Philemon and Hebrews. The Zoom link can be found on our website and in Jason’s weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, February 10th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

Session Meeting
The CPC elders will meet this coming Wednesday, February 9th at 10:00am in Darley Hall. 

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone!

Happy Saturday morning. I hope it’s turning out to be a beautiful day where ever you are in the world. This Sunday is the fourth Sunday after Epiphany, and I can’t wait to share some interesting insights from this weeks Gospel textā€“Luke 4:21-30. You can read it and the other lectionary texts for this week here.

This Sunday, we’ll also hold our congregational meeting directly after the service. Whether you’re joining us in person in the sanctuary or via Zoom, please stick around directly after to participate in this important meeting. Copies of the budget will be available in the sanctuary before the worship service.

Here are your announcements for the the week ahead:

Games Up Here
Monday night games are happening this week! Join us tomorrow night, January 31st at the Annex at 7:00pm for tabletop games. If you’d like to join us via Zoom, text or email Jason.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, February 2nd from 5:00-6:30pm as we look at two of Paul’s pastoral letters (2 Timothy and Titus). The Zoom link can be found on our website and in Jason’s weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, February 3rd at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

Congregational Meeting
Don’t forget that we’re holding a congregational meeting, after the service on Sunday, January 30th to vote on the 2022 budget and Jason’s Terms of Call.

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all safe and sound in your respective locations around our country. It seems like everyone is getting snow except those of us here in Lake City. That said, it did start snowing a little this afternoon.

Most of the Christmas decorations in the church have been taken down and stored away until next year. We decided to leave the garland on the fence, just for good measure. šŸ™‚ Thanks to Ron and Diane Bruce for the help.

This Sunday is the third Sunday after Epiphany and my preaching text is Luke 4:14-21. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here. The sanctuary will be open for live worship, or you can join us online via Zoom (the link is below).

Here are your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
No games this Monday night, as Jason will be in Montrose moderating the First Presbyterian Church Session meeting.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, January 26th from 5:00-6:30pm as we look at Paul’s letters to Timothy (1&2 Timothy). The Zoom link can be found on our website and in Jason’s weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, January 27th at 7:00am for good food, prayer and Bible study.

Congregational Meeting
Don’t forget that we’re holding a congregational meeting, on Sunday, January 30th, directly after the service. We’ll vote on the 2022 budget and Jason’s Terms of Call.

And, here are your Zoom links this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Second Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well. As many of you know, at this time there are a higher number of COVID cases in town than we’d like to see. Consequently, we’re encouraging folks who are concerned to utilize our Zoom broadcast and remain at home for our Sunday worship. For those who are comfortable, our sanctuary remains open for all.

This week begins with the second Sunday of Epiphany. My preaching text for this Sunday is John 2:1-11. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here.

Here are your announcements for the week!

Games Up Here
Monday night games still happening! Join us tomorrow night, January 17th at the Annex at 7:00pm for tabletop games. If you’d like to join us via Zoom, text or email Jason.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, January 19th from 5:00-6:30pm as we explore the book of 2 Thessalonians. The Zoom link can be found on our website and in Jason’s weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, January 20th at 7:00am for good food, prayer and Bible study.

Time to “Undecorate”
It’s time to take down the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary and Darley Hall, but we know people are concerned about social distancing. We invite you to form your own work crew and call Jason to reserve a job. You can choose from the following tasks:

Monday, Jan 17th: Sanctuary wreaths & Darley Hall
Tuesday, Jan 18th: Christmas Tree, & Nativity Set
Wednesday, Jan 19th: Fence garland & front of church
Thursday, Jan 20th: Storage of decorations in attic

Congregational Meeting
The CPC Session is calling for a congregational meeting, scheduled for Sunday, January 30th, directly after the service. We’ll vote on the 2022 budget and Jason’s Terms of Call. (This is your two-week notice). šŸ™‚

And, here are your Zoom links this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

That’s it for this week CPC!

See you soon,


Epiphany Sunday

Hey CPC,

I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. It appears as though everyone in the country is getting snow except Lake City. šŸ™ Nonetheless, it’s still beautiful here, despite the drippy weather. I’d like to extend a special thanks to those who’ve sent or dropped off tea during our 12 Days Tea Drive. If you’ve forgotten or still got a box of tea to send, it’s not too late.

As many of you know, we had to make the last minute decision to cancel our 12th Night Potluck due to recent COVID exposures in town. For those who made food for the potluck and don’t know what to do with it, feel free to bring it to our fellowship time on Sunday after the service.

Don’t forget that this week is also Communion Sunday. If you’re joining us online, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast. The preaching text this week is the story of the Magi from Matthew 2:1-12. You can read it and the other Epiphany lectionary texts here.

Our weekly gatherings are starting back this week. You can join us for games on Monday and the Bible study on Wednesday night. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is also resuming this week. Here are your announcements for this week!

Games Up Here
Monday night games are back! Join us tomorrow night, January 10th at the Annex at 7:00pm for tabletop games. If you’d like to join us via Zoom, text or email Jason.

January Session
This Wednesday, January 12th, the new slate of CPC elders will meet for the first time this year. We’ll meet at 10:00am in Darley Hall.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, January 12th from 5:00-6:30pm as we explore the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. The Zoom link can be found on our website and in my weekly email.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Menā€™s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week. Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, January 13th at 7:00am for good food, prayer and Bible study.

Here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Second Sunday of Christmas

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope all is well where ever you find yourself on this snowy (in Lake City) morning. Not only are we starting a new year this weekend, this Sunday is the second Sunday of Christmas. That’s right, we’re blessed this year to be able to celebrate Christ’s incarnation for two weeks!

This Sunday, January 2nd, we’ll gather at 10:00am for our weekly Worship Service. This week, the preaching text comes from the first chapter of the Gospel of John. You can read that text and the other lectionary texts here.

Most of our normal gathering spaces aren’t happening this week, but all of them will return during the second week in January. That said, don’t forget our 12th Night Potluck on Wednesday Night, January 5th. You can find more details about the potluck below.

Here are your announcements for the week!

Games Up Here, Wednesday Bible Study, and Men’s Prayer Breakfast are cancelled this week. All three will return the second week of January.

12th Night Potluck
Join us on Wednesday, January 5th at 6:00pm in Darley Hall for our Twelfth Night Potluck. Bring your favorite cheese, hors d’oeuvre, finger food, or drink and celebrate the end of the Christmas season. 

12 days of Christmas Tea Drive
That’s right, we’re trying to build up a vast tea supply for the coming year and for our hiker ministry. Consider sending us your favorite box(es) of tea for the 12 days of Christmas. The address is below. 

Celebrating Communion Next Week
Just a reminder that next Sunday, January 9th, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s Supper in the 10:00am Worship Service in the sanctuary and on Zoom. 

Here is your Zoom link for the week

Sunday Worship Service:

First Sunday of Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope youā€™re all safe and sound with your loved ones on this most holy of days. Itā€™s a winter wonderland here in Lake City, which was the perfect setting for our Christmas Eve outdoor service last night. 

Iā€™m excited to share, that given the timing of the liturgical calendar this year, weā€™ll get to celebrate Christmas the next twoSundays. Tomorrow, weā€™ll turn our liturgical colors to white in celebration of Christ’s incarnation. The preaching text is Luke 2:41-52. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here

Games Up Here
 on Monday nights and our Wednesday Bible study are cancelled this week as is the Thursday Menā€™s Prayer Breakfast

Also, don’t forget to send your 12 Days of Christmas Tea gifts to the church at 429 Gunnison Ave. (184), Lake City, CO 81235. Send one box or a box for each of the twelve days (or anything in between). Remember to wrap them and weā€™ll open them at our 12th Night Party on January 5th at CPC.

Thatā€™s it for this week, CPC. Hereā€™s your Sunday Zoom link and the order of worship can be found on our website.

Sunday Worship Service:

Blessed Christmas Eve!

For those looking for the Zoom link for our outdoors Christmas Eve service, look no further. The service will start at 5:30 and last around 30 minutes. You can download the order of worship below.

If you’re here in Lake City, come by Darley Hall for a cup of homemade hot chocolate at 5:00pm.

You can log on to the Zoom broadcast with this link: