Autumn has Arrived!

Hey All,

I hope you’re all well on this beautiful autumn morning. I also hope you can get out today and enjoy the glory of God’s creation. This week is a little different week in the life of our community, so make sure you note the changes.

For starters, while I’m working with the church in Montrose, our very own Rev. Dan Smith will be preaching in our Sunday worship service tomorrow. His preaching text comes from Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22. You can read that text and the other lectionary passages here. The service will be inside in the sanctuary at 10:00am.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
Join us to for tabletop games this week on Monday, September 27th at 7:00am at the Annex (and on Zoom by request for the group game): 206-962-9886. Our first game will be a larger group game and then we’ll open up the library.

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as explore Paul’s first letter to the Christians in Corinth. We’re meeting on Wednesday, September 29th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website under the CPC Bible Study page. There will be not Bible Study for the next two week. We’ll return to our regular gathering on October 20th to explore 2nd Corinthians.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 30th at 7:00am in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

Jason on Staycation
Just a reminder that this coming Sunday, Jason will be taking two weeks off. He’ll return to CPC on Sunday, October 17th. There will be no Bible study on the Wednesdays of October 6th and October 13th.

Alan Moore Funeral
Alan Moore’s funeral will be in Houston on October 2nd at 2:30pm CDT. Jason will be presiding over the service and will broadcast it through Zoom for those wanting to attend virtually. Look for the Zoom link in Jason’s weekly email.

And here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Last Week Outside

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and enjoying this beautiful Saturday morning. Tomorrow’s Sunday morning worship service will be the LAST OUTSIDE service of the year. It’s looking to be a glorious morning, so join us at 10:00am in the CPC yard. If you’re interested in setting up chairs one last time, please come to the church at 9:00. Fellowship outdoors will follow.

Tomorrow’s preaching text comes from Mark 9:30-37. You can find it and the other lectionary texts here.

As many of you know, Olin Tunnel passed away last week. We continue to hold Jessica in our prayers this week. If you’re interested in reading his obituary, you can find it here.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
On Monday, September 20th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing a new roll-in-write game called Twice as Clever! Then we’ll open up the game library! Join us at the Annex and on Zoom by request (for the group game): 206-962-9886. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as explore Paul’s three missionary journeys in the book of Acts. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, September 21st from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website under the CPC Bible Study page.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00am in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

CPC Database 
Please check the new CPC database to make sure your  information is correct. The database is on the website: (main menu) and the password can be found in your weekly email. If you’re not on the CPC database, but would like to be added, send your name, address(es), phone number(s), email(s), birthday(s), and anniversary(s) to

Moving Indoors
This will be our last week outside. Starting Sunday, September 26th, we’ll be moving our worship service back into the CPC sanctuary. Additionally, for the next three weeks we’ll have guest preachers in the pulpit (Dan Smith, John Roose, and Lyn Lampert, respectively) because Jason will be away. Next week, he’ll be working with the First Presbyterian Church in Montrose and the two subsequent weeks, he’ll be taking vacation. Jason will return to our Sunday worship on October 17th.

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Summer is Almost Over

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are well on this sunny afternoon here in Lake City. The weather is getting cooler and the shadows longer… yes, it’s sad to say, but the summer is almost over. 🙁 Tomorrow we’ll gather outside for worship in the CPC yard at 10am and we’ll also be broadcasting on Zoom. If you’d like to help set up for the service, please swing by the church at 9:00am.

Tomorrow we’ll be exploring the ever-challenging text in the book of James about our tongues and how we use them (James 3:1-12). You can read the preaching passage and the other lectionary texts here.

For those weren’t aware, we wanted to make sure you knew that Olin Tunnel died on Wednesday, September 8th in Gunnison. Please remember Jessica in your prayers today as she heads back to Texas. Olin’s funeral is currently planed for Saturday, September 18th.

Here’s your announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
On Monday, September 13th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing Super Mega Lucky Game and then we’ll open up the game library! Join us at the Annex and on Zoom by request (for the group game): 206-962-9886. 

Nicaragua Souper-Duper Dinner
Come out and support the Soup Fundraiser Dinner for the Oasis de Esperanza School in Managua, Nicaragua. The dinner will be at the Baptist Fellowship Hall on Tuesday night, September 14th from 5:00-6:30pm. Sign up to bring soup, bread, or a salad, or just show up and donate to this ecumenical ministry of the Lake City churches

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we finish the book of Romans and map out Paul’s missionary journeys. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, September 15th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 16th at 7:00am in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

CPC Database 
As we move into the autumn we’re going to make sure everyone’s information is correct in our current CPC database. Please follow the link included in this week’s email to double check your information. 

Here’s your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Happy Trails

Hey CPC!

I hope you’re all well on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it… this will be the Harrises’ last Sunday with us. 🙁

Tomorrow morning, Sunday, September 5, we’ll gather for Worship at 10:00 in the CPC yard. During the service, we’ll take the opportunity to express our gratitude for the Harrises’ years of service and friendship and to send them off with our love and prayers. Following tomorrow’s worship service, we’ll hold a reception for the Harrises outside on the columbarium patio.

During worship, we’ll be celebrating the Eucharist. If you’re joining us in person on the lawn, the communion elements will be brought to you (with COVID precautions). If you’re joining us via Zoom, please remember to bring your own bread and juice with you to the broadcast. Tomorrow’s preaching text comes from James 2:1-10. You can read it and the other lectionary texts here.

Here are your weekly announcements!

Games Up Here
On Monday, September 6th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing another game of Super Mega Lucky Game and then we’ll open up the game library! Join us at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

September Session
This Wednesday, September 8th, the CPC elders will meet for our September Session meeting at 10:00am in the Annex. If you’d like to touch base with an elder about something, please do so before Wednesday. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we explore Paul’s letter to the churches in Rome. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, September 8th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 9th at 7:00am in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

CPC Database 
As we move into the autumn we’re going to make sure everyone’s information is correct in our current CPC database. Please follow the link included in last week’s email to double check your information. 

And here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here: (by request: 206-962-9886)

Wednesday Bible Study:

Slowing Down

Hey Everyone!

I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits. I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of August. Without a doubt things are starting to slow down. Several of our summer activities and gathers are coming to end this week, so make sure you check out the announcements.

Last week, we were blessed to be able to gather with Grace Fellowship for our annual Gold Hill Sunday. It was a wonderful service and we are very grateful for John Bonner and company for serving our communities with incredible breakfast burritos.

CPC and Grace Fellowship at the Gold Hill Sunday Service on August 22, 2021.

This Sunday, August 29th we’ll gather in the CPC sanctuary and on Zoom. The preaching text is from Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9. You can find that passage and the other lectionary texts here.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Trail Hiker Meal
Sunday, August 29th is our LAST Trail Hiker Meal of the summer. Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for dinner in the theme of “Greek-fest.” If you’re planning on joining us, please bring a side (for 6-8 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, August 30th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing a new “flip-and-write” game called Super Mega Lucky Game and then we’ll open up the game library! Join us at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club finish off the last chapter from Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, August 31st from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we explore the Acts of the Apostles. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, September 1st from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 2nd at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

CPC Database 
As we move into the autumn we’re going to make sure everyone’s information is correct in our current CPC database. Please follow the link included in this week’s email to double check your information. 

And here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study:

Gold Hill

Hey Everyone,

I hope all is well on this sunny Friday afternoon. In a few short hours our town will be blessed with the wonderful talents of the Lake City Community Choir. Tonight’s free concert will start at 7:00pm and is hosted by CPC in our sanctuary. Hope to see you there.

And, if that’s not enough, this Sunday, August 22 is our annual pilgrimage to Gold Hill. This year, however, we’re delighted to have Grace Christian Fellowship join us. We’ll meet at the church at 8:30, depart at 9:00 (with max capacity in our vehicles), and arrive to a lovely meal of breakfast burritos. Please bring your own chairs and note that there are no bathrooms on site. The service will be broadcasted via or regular Zoom link.

This Sunday’s sermon will be a blast-from-your-Sunday-School-past as we explore Paul’s description of the Armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-20. You can find that passage and the other lectionary texts here.

And, here are your announcement for the week!

Trail Hiker Meal
Sunday, August 22nd is our sixth Trail Hiker Meal! Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for dinner in the theme of Oktoberfest (German fare). If you’re planning on joining us, please bring a side (for 6-8 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, August 23rd from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing another round of Welcome To… and then we’ll open up the game library. Join us in person at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club will delve into the fifth chapter of Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, August 24th from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we do a comparative study of the Gospels. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, August 25th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 26th at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast.

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study:

Our Week Ahead

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are well on this sunny afternoon here in Lake City. It’s been a busy week for the life of our church and we’ll carry on this week with lots of opportunities to get involved. You can read more about what’s ahead below.

For those weren’t aware, we wanted to make sure you knew that Mrs. Emma Plauche died on August 1st. She was 105 years old and she was the mother-in-law/mother of Frank and Laney Lake. A long-time Presbyterian (and Sunday School teacher), Emma attended CPC during the many seasons she spent in Lake City.

During tomorrow’s worship service we’ll be blessed by the wonderful talents of the Lake City Community Choir as they sing, “A Place at the Table.” And, if that’s not enough, Friday, August 20 the choir will be performing a gospel music concert at 7:00pm

Tomorrow we’ll also be exploring the proclamation Jesus made that he was the “bread of life” from John 6:51-58. You can read the preaching passage and the other lectionary texts here.

And, here are your announcement for the week!

Trail Hiker Meal
Tonight, Sunday, August 15th is our fifth Trail Hiker Meal! Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for dinner in the theme of “Ham Brunch.” If you’re planning on joining us, please bring a side (for 6-8 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, August 16th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing another round of Welcome To… and then we’ll open up the game library. Join us in person at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club will delve into the fourth chapter of Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, August 17th from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we do a comparative study of the Gospels. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, August 18th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 19th at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

Gold Hill Worship Service
Next Sunday, August 22nd, CPC will be taking worship to the hills–Gold Hill to be precise. And, this year, we’ve invited Grace Christian Fellowship to join us. Meet at CPC at 9:00am so we can carpool in higher-capacity vehicles. 

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study:

I Scream, You Scream

That’s right, we’ll all scream for ice cream tomorrow Sunday, August 8th at our Stewardship Sunday Ice Cream Social! The gathering will be from 3:00 until 4:30 in Darley Hall. If you’ve got homemade ice cream makers, fire them up. If you don’t, raid your freezer because you don’t want to miss this screaming extravaganza. (Truthfully, I’m not sure how it all goes down, so do what you all did before COVID, and everything will be just fine.) 😉

Tomorrow is also the third installment to our Stewardship campaign. We’ll have pledge cards available at the Sunday morning service, but you can also download and print them (included in the printable order of worship–see below). Tomorrow we’ll be exploring the concept of sacred time through Genesis 2:1-2. You can read the other lectionary texts here.

During our service tomorrow, we’ll also be blessed by the musical talents of violinists Jane and Berry Breining. Consequently, we’ll be gathering in the CPC sanctuary for the service. Zoom will be offered as usual and the links can be found below. Please note that, fellowship will not be offered after the service. Instead, join us at 3:00 for the ice cream social.

Here are your Announcements for the week!

Stewardship Ice Cream Social
Join us today, Sunday, August 8th for our Ice Cream and Cookie Social at 3:00pm in Darley Hall. 

Trail Hiker Meal
Sunday, August 8th is our fifth Trail Hiker Meal! Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for an Italian dinner. If you’re planning on joining us, please bring a side (for 6-8 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, August 9th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’re playing another round of Welcome To… and then we’ll open up the game library. Join us in person at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

Tea Time Tuesday
No Tea Time Tuesday this week, but tea will be available during our Summer Book Club for your refreshment. 

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club will delve into the third chapter of Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, August 10th from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we look at  the Gospel of John. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, August 11th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 12th at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

And, here are your links for the week!

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study:

Mixing it Up

Hey Everyone,

I hope this post finds you all well on this chilly Saturday evening (at least in Lake City). We’re mixing things up tomorrow for worship, so I wanted to make sure you know what to expect.

As many of you know, there have been several COVID cases over the past few weeks. Although we have no known exposures in our congregation, the CPC Session met last night to decide on our immediate path forward. Consequently, we’re going to adjust a few things for the present to meet some of the concerns out there. 

Tomorrow morning, because of the prediction of rain, we will be meeting in the CPC sanctuary as we have in recent weeks. Masks and face coverings will not be required, but available for those desiring to wear one. We will be providing a live-video broadcast of the service in Darley for those desiring greater social distancing. For those preferring to connect online, Zoom will continue to be offered and the link can be found below. Additionally, we will not celebrate communion tomorrow, and we will not be having a fellowship time after church. 

Concerning the Lake City Hiker Meal, we are proceeding forward as planned. If you’re comfortable being around the hikers and other folks from town, please join us (and bring a side to share). If you’d still like to be involved, but you don’t want to be physically present during the meal, feel free to drop a side or dessert off at the Annex by 6:00pm.

Tomorrow in worship, we’ll continue with our second week in our Stewardship series, as we explore what it means to offer God your gifts and talents. The preaching text is Romans 12:1-8 and can be found here. And the rest of the lectionary texts can be found here.

Beyond those updates, here are your weekly announcements:

Trail Hiker Meal
Sunday, August 1st is our fourth Trail Hikers Meal! Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for a Ham Dinner. If you’re planning on joining us, please bring a side (for 8-10 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, August 2nd from 7:00-8:00pm, we’ll kick off the evening playing a group roll and write game and then open up the game library. Join us in person at the Annex and on Zoom by request: 206-962-9886. 

Tea Time Tuesday
Join us this Tuesday, August 3rd from 2-4pm for Tea Time Tuesday in the Annex. This week’s tea will be Japanese Green Tea, served both hot and iced. 

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club will delve into the second chapter  of Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, August 3rd from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we look at  the Gospel of Luke. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, August 4th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, August 5th at 7:00am MST in the Baptist Fellowship Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfas

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study:

Our Week Ahead

Hey Everyone,

It’s been a busy week and one that has left me writing this email on Saturday afternoon amidst the lovely scent of roast fowl. Currently, I’m roasting two turkeys for tomorrow’s Trail Hiker Meal–Thanksgiving in July. Last week we had 26 hikers and we’re expected to have more this week. Consider joining us tomorrow night for this wonderful ministry. 🙂

With everything going on right now, I hope that you’re all safe and dry. Last night, we played host at the Annex to a group of folks who were stranded by the mud slides on 149. Between our budding hiker ministry and these folks seeking a place of refuge, I’ve been contemplating the both the majesty of God’s provision in our lives and our grateful response. I’ll share more tomorrow morning. 😉

Speaking of tomorrow morning, given the forecast, we’ll plan on meeting inside the sanctuary and on Zoom. We will also be having fellowship in Darley Hall directly following the service. Tomorrow’s preaching text comes from 1 Peter 4:7-11. You can read the preaching text here. The other lectionary texts for tomorrow can be found here.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Trail Hiker Meal
Sunday, July 25th is our third Trail Hikers Meal. Join the churches of Lake City in welcoming the hikers from 6-8pm in the Annex for Thanksgiving in July. If you’re planning on joining us, please bring your favorite savory thanksgiving side (for 8-10 people) to share. 

Games Up Here
On Monday, July 26th from 7:00-8:00pm, we’ll kick off the evening playing a group roll and write game led by Lyn Lampert. Join us in person at the Annex (this week only). 

Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Time is cancelled for this week, but you’re welcome to come a few minutes early to the Summer Book Club and fellowship over some self-made tea. 🙂

Summer Book Club
The CPC Summer Book Club will delve into the first chapter  of Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World this Tuesday, July 27th from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Annex. 

Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study as we look at  the Gospel of Mark. We’re meeting at our usual time on Wednesday, July 28th from 5:00-6:30pm. The Zoom link and YouTube link (for past weeks) are on our website (and up-to-date).

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Gather with the men of Lake City this Thursday, July 29th at 7:00am MST in Darley Hall for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 

We Need More Cookies!
Sunday fellowship and Tea Time cookies are running low, please consider dropping off a batch in the coming weeks.

And your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Tuesday CPC Summer Book Club

Wednesday Bible Study: