Third and Fourth Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well and experiencing the blessedness of this season of Lent. As many of you know, I’ll be away this next week leading and teaching at two back-to-back denominational gatherings at Stony Point Center, our national conference and retreat center, located in Stony Point, NY. The first runs Monday to Wednesday and is called The Whole IG Kit and Caboodle: An Intergenerational Primer. The second which runs Wednesday to Saturday is called TOPCON! The Theology of Play Conference.

Although I’ll be away, I’ve managed my flights so that I’ll leave directly after this Sunday’s service and I’ll fly back on Saturday night. To that end, I’ll be including the orders of worship for the next two Sundays below. Remember that this coming week, there will be no games or Bible Study; the following week we’ll be back to business as usual.

Here’s the schedule of gatherings for the next two weeks!
Sunday, March 23rd–Third Sunday of Lent (10:00am)
No Games Up Here (Monday, March 24th)
No Wednesday Bible Study (Wednesday, March 26th)
Sunday, March 30th–Fourth Sunday of Lent (10:00am)
Monday, March 31st–Games Up Here in Darley Hall (7:00pm)
Wednesday, April 2nd–Bible Study: Romans 15-16 in Darley Hall (5:00)

And here are your links for the next two weeks

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study (on April 2nd)

Second Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

Greetings from a snowy Lake City Friday afternoon. I hope your first week of Lent was filled with reflection on God’s faithfulness in the work of His Son, Christ Jesus. This Sunday, March 16th, we’ll gather together for our Sunday morning Lord’s Day worship service at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary and on Zoom (links below).

This Monday is St. Patrick’s Day, so there will be no Game Up Here.

This coming Wednesday, March 19th, we’ll have our March Session meeting at 10:00am in Darley Hall. Then, later that evening at 5:00pm, we’ll carry on with our weekly Bible study of the book of Romans. Join us this week as we explore chapters 14-15.

Here are your links for this week and the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Ash Wednesday/First Sunday of Lent

Good morning Everyone,

Blessed Ash Wednesday to all. I hope you are all well and are ready for the beginning of a new lenten season. As a community of faith, we will begin our lenten journeys at noon today, Wednesday, March 5th in the CPC sanctuary with our Ash Wednesday service with the Taizé chants and the imposition of ashes.

This coming Sunday, March 9th, will be the first Sunday of Lent and we’ll be also be utilizing the Taizé chants more during this liturgical season. Join us at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary and on Zoom (link below) for our common weekly worship.

This Sunday is also the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, which means that the clocks are moving forward. Make sure to set your clocks ahead, so you won’t be late.

After this Sunday’s service, we will have a short Confirmation Class informational meeting at the big table in Darley Hall, so grab some cookies and coffee and join me to find out more about this class.

Next Monday, March 10th, we’ll be having Games Up Here by request. Let Jason know by 5:00pm for games in Darley Hall at 7:00pm.

Don’t forget that we will still be having Bible Study tonight, Wednesday, March 5th when we’ll delve into Romans chapter 11-12. Our Romans Bible study will continue through Lent on every Wednesday except March 26th (when I’ll be in New York leading a conference on the Theology of Play.

Beyond those gatherings, that’s it for this week and the week to come. Hope to see you all in a few hours for our Ash Wednesday Service at 12:00pm (noon).

Here are your links for this week and the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Transfiguration Sunday

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are all well on this Sunny Lake City afternoon. I’m going to keep it short today, as I injured my finger yesterday and can’t really type easily. If you don’t know what a “mallet finger is, google it and see what ails me. 🙂

This Sunday, March 2nd, is a special one for a lot of reasons. First, we’re celebrating the ordination and installation of Linda Pavich to the office of ruling elder and the installation of Ken Nall to his second term of ruling elder. We’ll also be celebrating Communion, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your elements to the broadcast.

We’d also like to offer a special thank you to Allison Wetzel, who will be our pianist for tomorrow’s worship service. Thank you Allison for using your gifts for the Kingdom.

Tomorrow, we’ll also be hosting our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck in the theme of Irish Fare… you can bring what you want, but if you’d like the luck of the Irish to be with you–you know what to do. 😉

Games Up Here is by-request this Monday, March 3rd. Let me know before 5pm that you’d like to play some tabletop games and they will commence at 7:00pm in Darley Hall.

This coming Wednesday, March 5th, is Ash Wednesday. Join us at 12:00pm in the CPC Sanctuary for a Lenten Ash Wednesday Service with Taizé chants and the imposition of ashes.

Then, we’ll also gather on Wednesday, March 5th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall for our weekly Bible Study. This week we’ll carry on with our study of Romans, focusing on chapters 11-13.

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are all well on this sunny Friday morning (sunny here in Lake City, that is). The weather in Lake City has been a little unpredictable recently and it’s about to offering us the second muddying of the year.

This Sunday, February 23rd is the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, which is the last in the Epiphany season. Join us for our Sunday morning worship service at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary and on Zoom (links below).

This Monday, February 24th, we will have Games-by-Request at 7:00pm. If you’d like to play games this Monday, let me (Jason) know by 5:00pm.

This Wednesday, February 26th, we’ll gather in Darley Hall and on Zoom for our weekly Bible Study. This week, we’ll be exploring Romans 9-11. Join us in-person and on Zoom at 5:00pm.

That’s it for this week folks. Here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Sixth Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I don’t know how the weather is where you are, but in Lake City, we’ve just had a lovely blanket of snow and there’s more on the way! I hope you are all well as we close out the fifth week after Epiphany and begin the sixth week. In two and a half weeks, we’ll be entering the Lenten season. I know that I am looking forward to this season of deeper reflection.

This Sunday, February 16th, we’ll gather at 10am in the CPC sanctuary for our Lord’s Day Worship Service. Fellowship will follow.

This coming Monday, February 17th, we’ll have Games-on-Demand. Let me know before 5:00pm on Monday that you’d like to play and I’ll make sure everyone else does too.

This coming Wednesday, February 19th, we’ll carry on with our study of the Book of Romans in Darley Hall and on Zoom at 5:00pm. This coming week, we’ll cover chapters 7-9.

Here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well on this spring-ish Thursday afternoon. It’s strangely sunny and warm here in Lake City and it’s definitely doing a number on me. This Sunday is the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany and we’ll gather on Sunday, February 9th at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary and on Zoom as we continue our exploration of Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth.

We’ve got Monday night games (by request) at 7:00pm on Monday, February 10th. Let me know by 5:00pm on Monday and I’ll spread the word. We’ll meet in Darley Hall (not the Presbyterian Annex). All are welcome.

We’ll also be gathering together on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom for our weekly Bible study on the book of Romans. If you’re joining us for the first time, you can find the previous sessions on our YouTube page. This week, we’ll cover Romans chapters five through seven.

That’s it for this week folks, here are your links for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

Happy Friday! I hope this post finds you all well, healthy, and in good spirits. This Sunday is the fourth Sunday after Epiphany and also the first Sunday of the month. This means that in addition to celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, February 2nd during the morning worship service, we’ll also be hosting our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck. This month’s theme is “Breakfast in Bed” and we’re inviting folks to bring their favorite breakfast dishes and to wear their PJs. Anyone donning their sleepy time regalia moves to the front of the line!

This Monday, February 3rd, we’ll be continuing on with our “Games-by-Request.” Just let me know that you’d like to play some tabletop games by 5:00pm on Monday and I’ll sound the alarm for the typical gamers in our community to join us. Games will be at 7:00pm in Darley Hall.

This coming Wednesday, February 5th, we’ll continue on with our study of Romans as we explore chapters three (and maybe chapter four). You can participate in person or online through our Zoom broadcast. The previous weeks’ sessions are available on our YouTube channel.

Finally, many thanks to those who showed up to help take down the Christmas and season decorations in preparation for Candlemas: The Presentation of our Lord Sunday. And, here are your links and the order of worship for this Sunday’s worship service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Third Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I’m back from my speaking gig and gearing up for the third Sunday after Epiphany. This is going to be a quick post just to remind you of the following upcoming gatherings:

Sunday, January 26th at 10:00am–Sunday morning Lord’s Day worship service

Monday, January 27th at 7:00pm–Games-by-Request (let me know by 5:00pm)

Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00pm–Weekly Bible Study in Darley Hall (Romans 3-4ish)

Thursday, January 30th at 7:00am–Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the Baptist Fellowship Hall

And that’s it. Here are your links and the order of worship for the week to come:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Second Sunday After Epiphany

Hey Folks,

I hope this email finds you all well on this chilly Friday afternoon. In case you didn’t hear the announcements last Sunday, I will be away this Sunday, January 19th through Wednesday, January 22nd. This will impact a few gatherings on our schedule for the week, so please note the changes below.

First, this Sunday, January 19th, we’re blessed to have Lyn Lampert join us to help lead in worship and offer the preached word. You can join us in person or through our Zoom broadcast (see link below). Many thanks to Lyn, the CPC elders, and the rest of the worship leadership for covering for me while I’m away.

Next, there are NO Games Up Here on Monday, January 20th and our weekly, Wednesday Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Romans will be on THURSDAY, January 23rd this week (and this week only) at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. If you missed last week’s introduction to Romans, you can find it on our YouTube page.

Finally, don’t forget that on Sunday, January 26th, we’re holding our Annual Congregational Meeting directly after the service. If you’re a member, we’d ask that you join us.

Here are your links for this week and the order of worship bulletin for Sunday:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study