Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

It’s truly hard to believe that this Sunday is the last hiker meal of the season. The summer has felt long, yet has whizzed by faster than expected. That said, we’ve still got a lot going on over the next few weeks, so if you’re still in town, make sure you check out what’s happening below.

For those interested in join us on Gold Hill tomorrow night, Saturday, August 26th, here’s the scoop. Weather permitting, those wishing to caravan and carpool should meet at CPC at 4:30pm. If you’ve never been to Gold Hill, this is a good option. 🙂

The evening meals will kick-off at 5:00pm and continue until 5:45ish. We’ll be a serving street style carnitas tacos and salsa and chips. The meal is provided by CPC and there’s no need to bring anything unless you’d prefer to sit in your own folding chair or something to drink other than water. Please remember that there are no portable toilets at Gold Hill, so please utilized the church’s facilities before coming up. After eating, we’ll gather together to sings a few songs, I’ll share a short meditation and we’ll finish off the night praying for each other. The evening should be over around 6:30pm. If it’s raining, check the church’s website for an update.

This Sunday, August 27th we will continue on with our church history series as we explore one of the most influential periods for the foundation of evangelicalism–the eighteenth century. If you’ve journeyed with us thus far, you’re not going to want to miss this Sunday.

Lastly, here’s the skinning on our last hiker meal. I’ll be making a huge pot of self-awarded winning chili. 🙂 We’d ask those of you participating to bring a side, salad, or dessert that might go well with a bowl of chili. And for those of you who are competitive and would like to challenge my self-awarded winning chili, bring it on. Put together a crock of your challenger chili and we’ll have the hikers present on Sunday cast their votes for the best chili of 2023. If you’re planning on joining in the chili cook-off, please arrive by 5:15pm on Sunday night.

Well, that’s it for this week, here are your Announcements for this Sunday:

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us tonight, Sunday, August 27th for our last Trail Hiker Meal of the summer. Like usual, the meal is in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm

This Sunday’s theme is Chili Cookoff and CPC will be hosting this week and will be providing chili. If you’re joining us, consider bringing chili toppings (the more unique the better), corn bread, salads, desserts, or really anything you want. And, if you’re feeling competitive, bring a crock of your favorite family chili… challenge extended. 😉

Games Up Here
We are playing board games this Monday, August 28th from 7:00pm until 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, August 30th from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our tenth session on world religion. This week we’ll continue on with our exploration of Mormonism by watching the South Park episode and having a Q&A with two special guests.

Here are your links for the week ahead:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the lovely autumn weather we’re having. I feel like we only had a month of summer and now it’s over. That said, it does feel like things are starting to slow down, which gives us all a chance to catch our breath.

All of our regular gatherings are happening this week and you can find out more about all of them in the Announcements below. I do want to remind you that we’ll be having our second Being Reformed class in the Annex this Sunday, August 20th. This week I’ll be teaching about why we worship the way we do and what guides that order of worship and our common life together. Even if you didn’t make the first session, consider joining us as we look at what it means to be a part of the Reformed tradition.

This Sunday, we’ll also continue on our journey through the history of the church. Join us at 10:00am as we explore what took place between the Reformation and the Enlightenment. We’ll also be singing a few familiar hymns that come from that period.

This coming week, I’ll be teaching the first of a two-part series on Mormonism in our Wednesday Bible Study. In part one, I’ll offer an overview of the religion as I have thus far in our summer series. In part two, however, we’ll be watching the South Park episode on Mormonism, followed by a discussion. We’ve also invited a special guest to share about her experience growing up in the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Finally, don’t forget to get your tickets for Jim Walker’s one man show–Peter the Rock–happening this Saturday at Lake City Arts. And that sums it up for this week.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Being Reformed
The second half of our “Being Reformed” class will be offered this Sunday, August 20th from 8:30am to 9:30am in the Annex. This week, we’ll cover Presbyterian worship and polity.

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us tonight, Sunday, August 20th for our 7th Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This Sunday’s theme is Ham Brunch and St. James Episcopal will be hosting this week. But it’s up to the rest of us to bring our favorite breakfast/brunch sides and sweets to make this meal complete. Only two more hiker meals left, so if you haven’t participated, time is running out. 

Games Up Here
We are playing board games this Monday, August 21st from 7:00pm until 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, August 23rd from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our ninth session on world religion. This week we’ll be looking at the Church of Latter Day Saints. This will be week one of a two part series on Mormons. 

Gold Hill
Join us on Saturday, August 26th for our first ever evening Gold Hill gathering. This year, we’re also inviting all of the Lake City churches to join us. We’ll meet at 5:00pm at Gold Hill for a fellowship and food (provided) before we have a time of worship. If it’s raining, the gathering is cancelled. 

And here are your links for the week:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather we’ve been blessed with here in Lake City. Even though it’s only the middle of August, it feels like autumn is in the air. As many of you know, I’ll be taking Judah (and Manav) back to college in Santa Fe tomorrow, hence my sending this email out to you today.

This Sunday, we’ll delve into the heart of the Reformation during the sermon as we look at the history of the church from 1400 to 1600. And if you really want to start the day thinking about the Reformation, join us for our Being Reformed class at 8:30am in the Annex. During this special Sunday School offering, we’ll explore the formation, theology, and worship of the Presbyterian church.

Beyond those updates, here are your announcements for the week:

Being Reformed
A two-week class on what it means to be Reformed and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) will be offered this Sunday, August 13 and next Sunday, August 20 from 8:30am to 9:30am in the Annex. This class is a prerequisite for membership at CPC. 

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us Sunday, August 13 for the Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This week’s theme is Oktoberfest and CPC will be serving up German bratwurst. So break out your lederhosen, make your favorite Oktoberfest/German fare, and join us for this festive communal gathering. Polka music will be provided. 🙂

Games Up Here
We are playing board games this Monday, August 14th from 7:00pm until 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, August 16 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our ninth session on world religion. This week we’ll be looking at Peyotism (Native American Church) and the spirituality of the First Nations.

Get Your Tickets!
Our very own Jim Walker will be performing his one-man show of “Peter the Rock” at the Lake City Art Center on Saturday August 19 at 7:30pm. 

Stewardship Sundays
This is the final Sunday of our stewardship focus when Jason will reflect on what it means to offer our treasures to God. 2024 pledge cards are available. Consider how you can support the ministry at Community Presbyterian Church through your time, talents, and treasures.

And here are your links for the week:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits. It is hard to believe that it’s already August and that we’re halfway through the summer. We’ve got some exciting things coming up so please check out what’s happening below.

First, let me say that I’m sorry that the Zoom broadcast has been cutting out shortly after the sermon the past few weeks. It appears that the heat from the sun is causing my computer to overheat. I’m working on a solution for Sunday, so don’t fret. 🙂

This Sunday, August 5, we’ll be exploring one of the darkest times in the history of the church–1054 through 1348–when the expansion of Christianity was brought about through the violence of the Crusades.

Although we’ll still have fellowship after the worship service on Sunday, all are welcome to join me at the fishing pier of Memorial Park for Corbin Humphreys’s baptism, which will take place at 11:45am. Lyn Lampert will be officiating and I’ll be offering a prayer of blessing. If you’re able, please consider joining us for this holy sacrament down by the river.

Also, in case you didn’t see it on the Lake City Friends and Locals page, this week’s theme for the Hiker Meal is Thanksgiving. Break out your favorite turkey-day recipe and come join us for the most magical meal of the week. 🙂

Finally, a quick update on our annual Gold Hill gathering. Although we’re still working out the details, please save-the-date for Saturday, August 26th from 5:00pm-7:00pm.

Here’s your announcements for the week!

Lectionary Reading Sunday School is Cancelled 
For the remainder of the summer, the lectionary reading Sunday school class is cancelled. 

Being Reformed
A two-week class on what it means to be Reformed and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) will be offered on Sundays August 13 and 20 from 8:30am to 9:30am in the Annex. This class is a prerequisite for membership at CPC. 

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us tonight, Sunday, August 6 for the Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This week’s theme is Thanksgiving and CPC will be serving up several roasted turkeys. Consider making your favorite thanksgiving side or dessert and help us welcome the hikers.

Games Up Here
We are NOT having games this Monday, August. 

August Session 
The CPC elders are meeting for session this Wednesday, August 9 from 10:00am to 12:00pm in Darley Hall

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, August 9 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our eighth session on world religion. This week we’ll be looking at two smaller religions influenced by Hinduism–Sikhism and Jainism.

Get Your Tickets!
Our very own Jim Walker will be performing his one-man show of “Peter the Rock” at the Lake City Art Center on Saturday August 19 at 7:30pm. 

Stewardship Sundays
For two more weeks, Jason will be offering short reflections about Christian stewardship before each offering. Consider how you support the ministry at Community Presbyterian Church through your time, talents, and treasures.

And here are your links for the week:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the beauty of the summer. It’s hard to believe that July is almost over. This Sunday marks the midway point for our hiker ministry as we offer our fourth Hiker Meal of the summer. This week, St. Rose of Lima will be hosting the meal. Please see the announcements below for more details.

Also, please don’t forget that this summer I’ve been offering a Lectionary Reading Sunday School class at 8:30am on Sunday mornings in the Annex. Each week we delve into the lectionary readings for the week, which can be found at the end of the downloadable order of worship located below.

This Sunday, we’ll look at a much larger period of church history: 600 through 1054, which features one of the most significant schisms in the history of Christianity. We’ll also be singing two hymns written during that period. Join us this Sunday, July 30 at 10am for our worship service in the yard.

Here are your Announcements for the week:

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us tonight, Sunday, July 30 for the Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This week’s theme is baked potato bar and St. Rose of Lima will be serving potatoes with all the toppings.  

Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, July 31 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, August 2 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our seventh session on world religion. This week we’ll be lightly exploring several smaller eastern religions like Sikhism, Taoism, Jainism, and Confucianism.

Get Your Tickets!
Our very own Jim Walker will be performing his one-man show of “Peter the Rock” at the Lake City Art Center on Saturday August 19 at 7:30pm. 

Stewardship Sundays
For the next three weeks, Jason will be offering short reflections about Christian stewardship before each offering. Consider how you support the ministry at Community Presbyterian Church through your time, talents, and treasures.

Here are your links for the week ahead:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Happy Saturday! I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the summer season. It’s been a busy week, filled with so many opportunities to connect. I hope you’re making the most of the season. In case you’re wondering, the guy in the picture above is St. Benedict, one of the influential figures in the history of the Western Church. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 23, we’ll be exploring the next 200 years of church history (400-600ad) in the worship service. We’ll also be singing, not one, but two hymns from this period of the church. Also, if you’re planning to join us for Sunday School, don’t forget that we’re meeting in the Annex for our Lectionary Reading Class starting at 8:30am. 

Tomorrow evening at 5:30pm, we’ll kick off our third trail hiker meal at the Presbyterian Annex/Trail Hiker Center located at 418 Silver Street. The theme for the meal is breakfast! So break out your favorite breakfast dishes and join us from 5:30 until 8:30 as we welcome hikers. 

Here are your announcements for the week:

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us Sunday, July 23 for the Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This week’s theme is breakfast and Grace Fellowship will be serving breakfast wraps. 

Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, July 24 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, July 26 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our fifth session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at Bahá’í. 

And here are your links and the Order of Worship:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Well, I for one can’t believe it’s Friday. It’s been a full week here in Lake City and I hope you’re making the most of this summer because it’s slipping away right before us. Although nothing crazy is happening this week, we’ve still got several opportunities for you to engage.

Consider joining us for our lectionary reading Sunday school class at 8:30am in the Annex/Trail Hiker Center. Please note this change of venue. You can find the texts we’ll be reading in the online order of worship below.

This Sunday, July 16 we’ll delve into the next 200 years of church history and one of the most significant centuries of the past 2,000 years. Then, join us on Sunday evening as we welcome the trail hikers with an Italian feast (more information in the announcements below. And, here they are:

Trail Hikers Meal
Join us Sunday, July 16 for the Trail Hiker Meal in the Presbyterian Annex from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This week’s theme is Italian feast and First Baptist Church will be serving spaghetti in a meat sauce. 

Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, July 17 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, July 19 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our fifth session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at two Iranian based religions: Zoroastrianism and Bahá’í. 

Help Us Staff the Trail Hiker Center
Consider offering a couple hours a week to help staff the Trail Hiker Center. We still have open slots on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Sign up after the Sunday service in Darley Hall (check out the bulletin board). 

Interested in finding a place to serve?
Consider serving the church in the following ministry areas. Volunteer sign-up sheets are in Darley Hall.

And here are your links for the week ahead:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Undoubtably, summer is in full-swing this week here in Lake City. I can hardly believe that the Fourth of July was only a few days ago.

This Sunday, July 9th, we’ll continue worshiping outside on the lawn as we return to our Church History Summer Series with a look at the first two centuries of the church. We’ll also be singing the oldest hymn known in the Christian church that has both lyrics and music, dating back to ca. 200AD. And if that’s not exciting enough, Amy Humphreys will be offering our special music this Sunday.

This Sunday also kicks-off our Lectionary Sunday School gathering. Join us at 8:30am in the CPC sanctuary as we read and discuss the lectionary texts for the week. You can check out the text we’ll be reading in the downloadable online order of worship below.

For those who missed it, we had an interesting Bible study last week as we explored Hinduism. If you’d like to watch/listen to it, you can find it and many other Bible study sessions, special teaching series, and most of the sermons from the last couple of years here:

This Sunday we’ll also host our first Hiker Meal starting at 5:30pm in the Trail Hiker Center. We’ll be serving brisket tacos in theme of a Tex-Mex/Mexican feast. Consider joining us and (if you’re able) bringing a dish, side, or dessert to share. Even if you can’t bring anything, we’d love to see you participate. If you’ve never experienced a hiker meal, you’re missing out. If you’re interested in helping set up for the meal, join us at 4:30pm in the Trail Hiker Center (418 Silver Street).

Beyond those updates, here’s your announcements for the week.

Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, July 10 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

July Session
The CPC elders will gather this week on Wednesday, July 12 at 10:00am in Darley Hall for our July Session meeting. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, July 12 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our fifth session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at Buddhism.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, July 13 at 7:00am at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. 

Help Us Staff the Trail Hiker Center
Consider offering a couple hours a week to help staff the Trail Hiker Center. We now have open slots on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Sign up in Darley Hall (check out the bulletin board). 

Interested in finding a place to serve? Volunteer sign-up sheets are in Darley Hall.
Special Music for Sunday Worship (See Celeste Scott)
Sunday Worship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Fellowship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Worship Readers (see sign up sheet)
Buildings and Grounds Committee (See Ron Bruce)
Trail Hiker Center (see sign up sheet) 

Here are your links for the Sunday Worship Service and our weekly Bible study:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Summer Community Worship Service

Good evening everyone (or good morning to some of you),

Well, there is no denying it, summer is here and this week felt a little like summer camp. There’s always something do or someone to catch up with. What a blessing it is to have so many of you return.

As most of you know, our Summer Community Worship Service is upon us. Join us tomorrow, Sunday, July 2 at the Soccer field on Henson at 10:00am for this special ecumenical gathering. You can find the link for the service and the order of worship below. And, don’t forget to bring your own chairs and make sure to get there early to grab a spot in the shade.

Please note that we will not be having game night this Monday, due to the town fireworks. But we will be having our fourth session in our world religions series. This Wednesday, July 5 at 5:00pm we’ll explore Hinduism.

And, don’t forget that a week from Sunday on July 9, we’ll be launching our newest Sunday School class before the service and our Sunday evening trail hiker meals will kick off at 5:30pm. More on both of those opportunities in next week’s email.

Here are your Announcements for this week:

Games Up Here
We are NOT having games this Monday, July 3. Enjoy the fireworks.

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, July 5 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our fourth session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at Hinduism.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, July 6 at 7:00am.

Help Us Staff the Trail Hiker Center
Consider offering a couple hours a week to help staff the Trail Hiker Center. We have new openings on Wednesday morning and afternoon starting next week. Sign up in Darley Hall (check out the bulletin board).

Cookie Drive
We still need some cookies!

Interested in finding a place to serve?
Consider serving the church in the following ministry areas.
Volunteer sign-up sheets are in Darley Hall.
Special Music for Sunday Worship (See Celeste Scott)
Sunday Worship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Fellowship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Worship Readers (see sign up sheet)
Buildings and Grounds Committee (See Ron Bruce)
Trail Hiker Center (see sign up sheet) 

Here are your links for the Community Worship Service and our weekly Bible study:

Summer Community Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Guess what!

We’re going outside this Sunday, June 25th for our regularly scheduled 10:00am worship service. If you’ve signed up for worship set up for any week this summer, we’re asking that you show up at 9:00am this Sunday, so we can all our ducks in a row. And, if you didn’t sign up, but would like to serve in this way, please show up at 9:00 in Darley. 

If that’s not exciting enough for you, I’m happy to share that we’ll also be starting our summer series on the history of the church. This week, I’ll offer an introduction to the series, covering 2,000 years of church history in only 20 minutes. For those interested in reading the lectionary texts for this week, you’ll still be able to find them in the online downloadable Order of Worship bulletin below.

And as we start our summer series on the History of the Church, we invite you to read over and consider our theme song/hymn for the summer: The Church’s One Foundation.

The Church’s One Foundation
(1) The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord;
she is his new creation, by water and the word:
from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride;
with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.

(2) Elect from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth,
her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth;
one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food,
and to one hope she presses with every grace endued.

(3) Though with a scornful wonder we see her sore oppressed,
by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed:
yet saints their watch are keeping, their cry goes up, “How long?”
and soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song.

(4) ’Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war,
she waits the consummation of peace forevermore,
till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest,
and the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest.

(5) Yet she on earth hath union with God, the Three in One,
and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won:
O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we,
like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Games Up Here
We are having games this Monday, June 26 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex. 

Wednesday Bible Study 
Join us this Wednesday, June 28 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm in the Presbyterian Annex for our third session on World Religion. This week we’ll be looking at Islam.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, June 29 at 7:00am.

Help Us Staff the Trail Hiker Center
Consider offering a couple hours a week to help staff the Trail Hiker Center. We still have open slots on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Sign up after the Sunday service in Darley Hall (check out the bulletin board).

Cookie Drive
With a larger summer congregation, we need help replenishing our cookie supply for Sunday fellowship. Please consider baking a couple dozen cookies, putting them in a freezer bag, and dropping them off in Darley. 

Interested in finding a place to serve?
Consider serving the church in the following ministry areas. Volunteer sign-up sheets are in Darley Hall.
Special Music for Sunday Worship (See Celeste Scott)
Sunday Worship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Fellowship Setup/Clean up (see sign up sheet)
Sunday Worship Readers (see sign up sheet)
Buildings and Grounds Committee (See Ron Bruce)
Trail Hiker Center (see sign up sheet) 

Here are your links for worship and our weekly Bible study:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study