Trinity Sunday

Hey Everyone,

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I hope that this post finds you all well. This Sunday, May 26th we’ll celebrate Trinity Sunday as we explore the doctrine of perichoresis–the holy dance of our Trinitarian God. Fellowship will follow the Sunday worship service as well.

Don’t forget that we’re having a short congregational meeting this Sunday, May 26th directly after the service to vote on our 2026 class of ruling elders. The nomination slate includes Marcia Connell and Tom Arnold.

Game are cancelled for Monday, May 27th for memorial day weekend, but the weekly Bible study is still on. Join us on Wednesday, May 29th for the 6th installment of our series–Earthly Possessions at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom.

Here are your links and the order of worship for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study