First Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and ready for some exciting news… I’m thrilled to announce that our Japanese manual shaved iced machine arrived this week. And, without any exaggeration, it may be the most amazing thing I have ever purchased for a ministry in all of my years. I never knew so much joy could come from a fluffy piece of ice.

This Sunday, after the service during fellowship, I’ll be shaving up some delicious icy treats. This Sunday also marks the beginning of ordinary or ordinal time, when our paraments turn to green for the remainder of the summer. If that wasn’t enough, this Sunday, June 2nd, we’ll also be celebrating communion. If you are joining us via Zoom, don’t forget your bread and juice.

Also, don’t forget that tomorrow evening, Saturday, June 1st at 5:00pm, Bob Downs will be giving his second presentation on his medical mission trip to the Ukraine.

Here are the announcements for this week:

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
We’re playing games this week! Monday, June 3rd 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Trail Hiker Center.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday, June 5th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we continue on with our seventh and final session of the series Earthly Possessions.

CPC Membership Class: Being Reformed
Thinking about becoming a member of CPC and the Presbyterian Church (USA)? If you are, join us on Thursday, June 6th at 7:00pm in Darley Hall for our Being Reformed class.

Interested in providing special music this summer?
Please contact Celeste Scott at 405-326-6588 or

And, here are your Zoom links and the order of worship:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Trinity Sunday

Hey Everyone,

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I hope that this post finds you all well. This Sunday, May 26th we’ll celebrate Trinity Sunday as we explore the doctrine of perichoresis–the holy dance of our Trinitarian God. Fellowship will follow the Sunday worship service as well.

Don’t forget that we’re having a short congregational meeting this Sunday, May 26th directly after the service to vote on our 2026 class of ruling elders. The nomination slate includes Marcia Connell and Tom Arnold.

Game are cancelled for Monday, May 27th for memorial day weekend, but the weekly Bible study is still on. Join us on Wednesday, May 29th for the 6th installment of our series–Earthly Possessions at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom.

Here are your links and the order of worship for the week ahead:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Pentecost Sunday

Hey CPC,

I hope this email finds you all well and in cheerful spirits on this sunny Friday evening (in Lake City). This is your last minute reminder that tomorrow we’re having a CPC Spring Cleaning Party! Join us at 9:00am tomorrow in Darley Hall as we tidy up the grounds. Together, we’ll be mulching, sweeping, weeding, doing some fence repair, and maybe even cleaning out the kitchen. So grab your gloves, rakes, and brooms and help us clean up the church.

I also hope you’re ready for Pentecost Sunday. (In case you forgot) this Sunday, May 19th is the holy day when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Don’t forget to wear red in as a reminder of the tongues of flames that sent the first followers of Jesus Christ into the world. Then, join us after the 10am worship service for a time of fellowship of cookies and coffee.

Here are your announcements for this week:

Congregational Meeting
Don’t forget our congregational meeting next Sunday, May 26th directly after the service to vote on the nominated slate of ruling elders. The nominees are Marcia Connell and Tom Arnold for the class of 2026 as ruling elders.

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
Games this week! 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Annex.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday May 22nd for the fifth part of our Earthly Possessions series. We’ll meet in Darley Hall and on Zoom at 5:00pm. 

And, here are your links and the order of worship for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Ascension Sunday

Hey Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that we’re already at the Seventh Sunday of Eastertide, which is also Ascension Sunday–the holy day when we celebrate Christ’s return to the Father. Join us this Sunday, May 12th as we explore what the Ascension actually means for us Christian here on Earth. The Zoom link and the order of worship can be found below.

Please note that we are CANCELLING the church-clean-up-day for tomorrow morning, May 11th due to the weather.

This Sunday, May 12th is also Mother’s Day and the men of CPC are celebrating the women of our community with waffles!

Here are a few announcement for the week ahead:

Congregational Meeting
We’d like to announce a congregational meeting set for Sunday, May 26th directly after the service to vote on the nominated slate of ruling elders. The nominees are Marcia Connell and Tom Arnold for the class of 2026 as ruling elders.

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
Games this week! 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Annex.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday May 15th for the fourth part of our Earthly Possessions series. We’ll meet in Darley Hall and on Zoom at 5:00pm.  

Spring Cleaning
Join us on Saturday May 18th at 9:00am as we prepare our grounds for ministry this summer.

Here are your links and the order of worship for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Sixth Sunday of Eastertide

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well on this Friday evening. There are a number of gatherings this week that are worth noting in the announcements below. This Sunday, May 5th is the Sixth Sunday of Eastertide and we’ll be celebrating communion during our morning worship service at 10am. If you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your own elements to the broadcast. 

For those gathering in-person, don’t forget that our first-Sunday-of-the-month-potluck is in full swing this month with an appropriately timed Cinco de Mayo celebration. So, break out your favorite Mexican recipe and join us after the service this Sunday for a special potluck fellowship. 

Here are your Announcements for the week:

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
We’re playing games this week! Monday, May 6th 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Annex.

May Session
The elders of CPC are meeting for our May Session meeting on Wednesday, May 8th at 10:00am in Darley Hall. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday, May 8th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we continue on with our third session in the series, Earthly Possessions.

Mother’s Day Waffles!
Join us on Sunday, May 12th in Darley Hall for a special  Mother’s Day waffle extravaganza. 

Spring Cleaning
Join us on Saturdays May 11th and May 18th at 9:00am as we prepare our grounds for ministry this summer The first Saturday will focus on the church grounds and Darley Hall. The second Saturday, we will turn our attention to the Annex as we get the Trail Hiker Center ready.

Here are your links and the order of worship for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fifth Sunday of Eastertide

Hey Everyone,

Happy Saturday! This afternoon, I’m writing this post from my hotel room in Nashville, TN where the weather is warm and humid. 🙁 This morning I finished my last class for the pastoral care and counseling class I’m teaching for Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Although it’s been a joy teaching this week, I’m very much looking forward to being back in Lake City. Due the bridge closing, I had to change my flight times, days, and even the airport. Consequently, I’ll be arriving back into Gunnison tomorrow early afternoon.

Don’t forget that because I’m flying into tomorrow, we’ve moved the Sunday worship service for Sunday, April 28th to 4:00pm. Different time, same place. 🙂 Additionally, following the service, we’ll have a quick congregational meeting for the official members of Community Presbyterian Church. If you are a member on our rolls, we’d ask that you make every effort to join us in-person or online. Following the meeting, we’ll have fellowship, refreshments, and lawn games.

Our regular programming is back and we’re playing games this week. Join us on Monday, April 29th from 7:00-8:30pm in the Annex. Also, please note, the Earthly Possessions special series is back this week on Wednesday, May 1st from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Join us for the second session of this series this week.

My last announcement is that WE NEED COOKIES!! Not for tomorrow, however. 🙂 For tomorrow’s special afternoon fellowship, I’ll pick something up before I return to Lake City. But beyond that… we are running low on cookies. Please consider baking a couple dozen cookies and dropping them off at the church to help supply our Sunday fellowship time.

Here are your links and the order of worship for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Fourth Sunday of Eastertide

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all well this week and enjoying the warmer weather. We’re getting a proper spring here in Lake City (or at least it feels like it), with flowers blooming and trees showing their buds. We’re even starting to see some seasonal folks return. The promise of summer is upon us.

This week is the fourth Sunday of Eastertide and we’ll be continuing on with our exploration of First John. Join us, this Sunday, April 21st at 10pm in the CPC sanctuary for our worship service. For those joining us via Zoom, your link and the order of worship can be found below.

While we WILL be playing games on Monday, April 22nd this week, we WILL NOT be having Bible Study on Wednesday. Our series Earthly Possessions will resume on Wednesday, May 1st at its usual time and place (including Zoom).

Also, don’t forget that CPC members are asked to remain after the Sunday morning worship service on Sunday, April 28th for our annual congregational meeting.

Here is your link for Sunday’s worship service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Third Sunday of Eastertide

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well this week. It feels like spring here in Lake City this week. The days are growing longer and the Sun feels warmer on my face. It’s hard to believe that the summer season is nearly upon us.

Tomorrow, Sunday, April 14th, we’ll gather together for worship at 10:00am in the CPC sanctuary as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Eastertide. Below you’ll find the order of worship for the service and the Zoom links.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Congregational Meeting
We’d like to announce a congregational meeting set for Sunday, April 28th directly after the service. At the meeting, the members of CPC will vote on our 2024 budget and the Minister of Word and Sacrament’s Terms of Call.

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
Games this week! 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Annex.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday April 17th for the second part of our Earthly Possessions series. We’ll meet in Darley Hall and on Zoom at 5:00pm.  

Here are your links for this week’s gatherings.

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Second Sunday of Eastertide

Hey Everyone!

I trust your Easter Octave has been filled with lots of celebrating the life we have in Christ Jesus through good fellowship, good food, and good desserts. If you haven’t been celebrating the Easter Octave, you should definitely start. It’s blessed week for Christians around the globe.

To that end, I’m thrilled to share that Grace Fellowship has invited us to join them for an Easter Octave Dessert Potluck this Saturday, April 6th at 6:30pm. Join us on Saturday evening at Richard and Rachel Moore’s home for a time of fellowship, Christian friendship, and dessert.

This Sunday, April 7th, we’ll also be joining together for the Second Sunday of Eastertide. During worship we’ll be celebrating communion during the service, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast.

Following the service, we will NOT be having a first-of-the-month potluck, but we will be having fellowship. That’s it for the notable announcement for the week. Here are the rest, followed by your links and the order of worship for the service.


Join us for a time of fellowship, coffee, and cookies in Darley Hall directly after today’s worship service.

Monday night Games Up Here this week!
Games this week! 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Annex.

April Session
The CPC elders will be meeting this Wednesday, April 10th from 10am to 12pm in Darley Hall. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Bible Study returns this week, Wednesday April 10th with the first part of our Earthly Possessions series. Join us in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we look at the socio-cultural factors that have contributed to our excessive consumption. 

Palm Crosses
Grab a couple of palm crosses from basket in the narthex on your way out and place them around your home and all over Lake City as a reminder of our call to love one another as Christ loved us.

Here are your links for this week’s gatherings.

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Bible Study

Christ is Risen!

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope and pray that this Holy Saturday has been one of peaceful reflection as we wait in the “in-between” day that bridges the agony of Good Friday and the jubilant rejoicing of Resurrection Sunday.

Don’t forget that tomorrow morning, Sunday, March 31st, the churches of Lake City are still having an Easter Breakfast in the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall at 8:00am. Bring an egg-based casserole, a bow

l of fruit, or something sweet and join us for this communal time of fellowship and food.

Then, at 10:00am we’ll gathering in the CPC sanctuary for our Service of the Resurrection! Following the service, will be a time of fellowship with coffee and cookies.

For those who missed it, we had a blessed time during our Sacred Meal of Remembrance on Maundy Thursday. Many thanks to those who helped prepare and clean up afterwords.

Here are your announcements for the week:

No Monday night Games Up Here this week!
No games this week! Games will return on April 8th. 

Wednesday Bible Study
No Bible study this week. We’ll start our new series Earthly Possessions next week on Wednesday, April 10th.

Easter Octave
Don’t forget to celebrate the Easter Octave with eight crazy nights of feasting and desserts. 

Palm Crosses
Grab a couple of palm crosses from basket in the narthex on your way out and place them around your home and all over Lake City as a reminder of our call to love one another as Christ loved us. 

Special Thanks…
To all those who help prepare for the the Maundy Thursday Meal of Remembrance: Silas Santos, Ken and Carolyn Nall,  Al and Carrie Lutz, Lynn Hudgeons, Cindy Eberle, Teresa Furgerson, Susie Arnold, and Amy Humphreys. 

And, here is your Zoom link and the order of worship for tomorrow’s service:

Sunday Worship Service: