Palm Sunday

Greetings to all,

I’m sitting down this morning, on the eve of Holy Week, to make this post. It really is hard to believe that Easter is only a week away. Tomorrow morning we’ll enter into this sacred week with our Palm Sunday Worship Service at 10am, which will include both an ordination and the installation of our new ruling elders–Al Lutz and Ron Bruce. We will also be celebrating the Eucharist, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast.

Following the service we’ll have our first-of-the-month potluck in a “Spring Brunch” theme. So whip up your favorite brunchy dish and join us tomorrow for this special fellowship. We’ve got a lot to celebrate.

My sermon tomorrow will come from the only lectionary reading for Palm Sunday, Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. You can read that text in the online Order of Worship, which can be downloaded below. There’s a lot going on this week, so please check both the Holy Week schedule and the announcements below.

Here’s the Holy Week schedule for all of the Lake City churches, followed by the announcements for this week. Please note which regular gatherings are cancelled.

2023 Holy Week Schedule
Lake City Churches

Monday, April 3
Showing of The Passion of the Christ in the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm

Maundy Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday Meal and Service in Darley Hall at 6:00pm
RSVP by Monday April 3rd with names of participants to 206-962-9886

Good Friday, April 7
Good Friday Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 12:00pm
Stations of the Cross at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 5:00pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Community Presbyterian Church at 8:00pm

Easter Sunday, April 9
“Sunrise” Communion Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 8:00am
Community Easter Breakfast at the First Baptist Fellowship Hall at 9:00am
Community Easter Service at the Lake City Armory at 10:30am
Easter Mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 3:30pm

Announcements for Holy Week

Cancelled Gatherings
Just a reminder, the following gatherings are cancelled this week: Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth, Monday Night Games.

Lenten Prayers
Join us for our final Lenten Midday Prayers with the Taizé chants at noon on, Wednesday, April 5th.

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group
Wednesday, April 5th is our final gathering for the reading group. Join us online or in person at 5:00pm.

Community Easter Breakfast
Don’t forget to sign up this morning, Sunday, April 2 to bring a brunch dish to the ecumenical community Easter breakfast at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Easter morning at 9:00am. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in Darley Hall.

We extend a special congratulations and thank you to Ron Bruce and Al Lutz for being installed this morning as ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are grateful for your ministry and look forward to being lead by you.

And, here are you links and the order of worship for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already the fifth Sunday of Lent. Yet, it’s here and that means that the beginning of Holy Week and Easter are right around the corner. This coming week, things look fairly similar in the life of our church, but there are a few things you should be aware of as we approach this sacred week.

First, next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we’ll have palm reeds for everyone. It’s also the first Sunday of the month which means we’ll be celebrating communion and we’ll be having our first-of-the-month potluck. And if that’s not enough, we’ll also be ordaining and installing our newest elders–Al Lutz and Ron Bruce. It’s going to be a Sunday to remember, so set aside some red clothing (because Palm Sunday’s liturgical color is red, which is also the color for ordination and installation) because it’s going to be a good one.

This Sunday we’ll be looking at the narrative of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead found in John 11. You can read that passage and the other lectionary texts in the online order of worship bulletin which is downloadable below.

For those looking ahead to Holy Week, here is the list of opportunities for that week:

Sunday, April 2
Palm Sunday Worship Service at CPC at 10:00am

Monday, April 3
Showing of the Passion of the Christ in the Annex at 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 5
Midday Lenten Prayers in the sanctuary at 12:00pm
Final Cost of Discipleship Reading Group in Darley Hall at 5:00pm

Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday Meal & Service Service in Darley Hall at 6:00pm

Friday, April 7
Good Friday Service at St. James Episcopal Church at 12:00pm
Stations of the Cross at St. Rose Roman Catholic church at 5:00pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Community Presbyterian Church at 8:00pm

Sunday, April 9
“Sunrise” Communion Service St. James Episcopal Church at 8:00am
Community Breakfast at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall at 9:00am
Service of the Resurrection at Lake City Armory at 10:30am
Easter Mass at St. Rose Roman Catholic Church at 3:30pm

Here are your Announcements for the week ahead:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is back tonight at our normally scheduled time–4:00pm.

Games Up Here
Monday night games is on for this week. Join Jason and Silas for games at the Annex on Monday, March 27th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group will meet this Wednesday, March 29th in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 30th at 7:00am.

And, here are the links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

I hope all is well your neck(s) of the woods. It’s a muddy mess here this week in Lake City, but it’s starting to dry up. It is spring break in Lake City, but the only thing that’s affected is our Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth, which will NOT be meeting this Sunday. Beyond that, we’re still meeting for games, prayers, and our reading group. 🙂

We’re just a little over the halfway mark of the Lenten season, which means that holy week is right around the corner. Next week, I’ll let you know about all the offerings during holy week. This Sunday, however, we’ll carry on with our exploration of the Gospel of John’s account of Jesus’ life, as we look at the story of the healing of the blind man in John 9. You can read that text and the other lectionary selections for this week in our online order of worship.

Here are your announcements for this week:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is cancelled this we for spring break. We’ll be back next week at our normally scheduled time. 

Games Up Here
Monday night games is on for this week. Join Jason and Silas for games at the Annex on Monday, March 20th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group begins this Wednesday, March 22nd. We’ll meet in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. Check your weekly email for the reading schedule. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 23rd at 7:00am.

And here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

Third Sunday of Lent

Hey Folks,

I hope everyone is warm and safe on this chilly winter evening (at least here in Lake City). Don’t forget that tomorrow we “spring” forward, so you need to move your clocks forward one hour from standard to daylight savings time. If you forget, you’ll still be able to join us for fellowship after the service.

During tomorrow’s worship service we’ll be looking at the John 4 text of the Samaritan women at the well–one of the most remarkable passages in John. As usual, if you’d like to read the preaching text and the other lectionary texts, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin below.

The only minor change in our standard lineup for the week is that Lyn Lampert will be leading games at Monday night’s Games Up Here. Join Lyn at the Annex on Monday night, March 13th from 7:00-9:00pm.

Here are your announcements for the week:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is happening this evening, Sunday, March, 12th.

Games Up Here
Monday night games will be hosted by Lyn Lampert this week. Join him for games at the Annex on Monday, March 13th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group begins this Wednesday, March 15th. We’ll meet in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. Check your weekly email for the reading schedule. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 16th at 7:00am.

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

Second Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all well and finding time for reflection during this lenten season. I know that I feel grateful for the thoughtful reflections shared in our Cost of Discipleship Reading Group. We had a great first gathering, which is available for viewing on our YouTube page (

Worship this Sunday, March 5 will be a little different. This week, we have the opportunity to host Grace Christian Fellowship as both congregations welcome back the AICM Mission Team. During the service, we’ll have the chance to hear about their trip and how God used them as light in Show Low, AZ. Given these testimonies, I’ll be offering a shorter homily that summarizes all three lectionary texts into one central theme. If you’d like to read the texts before Sunday, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship below.

We are also blessed to be able to celebrate communion with Grace Christian Fellowship. If you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your own elements to the broadcast.

And, if that wasn’t enough, we’re also having our first-of-the-month potluck with Grace Christian Fellowship! This month’s theme is St. Patrick and all things Irish, but you are always welcome to bring whatever you have or nothing at all.

I hope you’re able to join us for this special Sunday. Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is happening this evening, Sunday, March, 5th. This week, we’ll be exploring the great judges of Israel–both their triumphs and defeats.

Games Up Here
We’re playing games in the Annex, this Monday night, March, 6th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 

March Session
The CPC Elders are meeting this week, Wednesday, March 8th at 10:00am in Darley Hall

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group continues this Wednesday, March 8th. We’ll meet in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. Check your weekly email for the reading schedule. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 9th at 7:00am.

And, here are your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

First Sunday of Lent

Hey Everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the first Sunday in Lent is already upon us. This means that there are a couple of new formational opportunities for you during this sacred season. Every Wednesday during Lent at noon, I’ll be hosting Taizé prayers in the CPC sanctuary. The services will last about 30 minutes and will consist of singing Taizé chants, reading Scripture, and an extended period of silence. If you’re looking for a way to be more reflective during this Lenten season, please consider joining us.

This coming Wednesday, March 1st, we’ll also be starting our Cost of Discipleship Reading Group from 5:00pm-6:30pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. You can find the reading schedule and the Zoom link at the bottom of this post.

This Sunday, February 26, we’ll explore the New Testament passage, Romans 5:12-19 and the theological concept of recapitulation (exciting stuff)! You can find it and the other lectionary passages in the downloadable online Order of Worship below.

Here’s your announcements for the week ahead:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
The Intergenerational Study of the Bible is cancelled for this Sunday, February, 26th.

Games Up Here
We’re playing games in the Annex, this Monday night, February, 27th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Lenten Midday Prayers
Looking for a Lenten practice centered on prayer and contemplation? Join us for Taizé prayers every Wednesday during Lent at noon in the CPC sanctuary.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group begins this Wednesday, March 1st. We’ll meet in-person in Darley Hall and Zoom from 5:00-6:30pm MST. The schedule for reading is:

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, March 2nd at 7:00am.

Looking Ahead
Next Sunday, March 5th Grace Christian Fellowship will join us in worship as we welcome home the AICM mission trip team. We’ll also be celebrating communion together and having a joint-potluck in our theme for March–St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s cook up some proper Irish fare to share as we hear stories from the mission team.

Here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Cost of Discipleship Reading Group

CPC Cost of Discipleship Reading Group Schedule

Week 1: read pages 1-39 (39 total)
Sunday, February 26– Forward
Monday, February 27– Memoir
Tuesday, February 28– Introduction
Wednesday, March 1–Discussion Group (No Reading)

Week 2: pages 41-101 (60 total)
Thursday, March 2–Chapter 1. Costly Grace
Friday, March 3–Chapter 2. The Call to Discipleship
Saturday, March 4–Chapter 3. Single-Minded Obedience
Sunday, March 5–Chapter 4. Discipleship and the Cross
Monday, March 6–Chapter 5. Discipleship and the Individual
Tuesday, March 7–Chapter 6. Beatitudes
Wednesday, March 8–Discussion Group (No Reading)

Week 3: pages 103-154 (51 total)
Thursday, March 9–Chapter 7. The Visible Community
Friday, March 10–Chapter 8. The Righteousness of Christ
Saturday, March 11–Chapter 9. The Brother
Sunday, March 12–Chapter 10. Women
Monday, March 13–Chapter 11. Truthfulness
Tuesday, March 14–Chapter 12. Revenge
Wednesday, March 15–Discussion Group (No Reading)

Week 4: pages 155-197 (42 total)
Thursday, March 16–Chapter 13. The Enemy–the “Extraordinary”
Friday, March 17–Chapter 14. The Hidden Righteousness
Saturday, March 18–Chapter 15. The Hiddenness of Prayer
Sunday, March 19–Chapter 16. The Hiddenness of the Devout Life
Monday, March 20–Chapter 17. The Simplicity of the Carefree Life
Tuesday, March 21–Chapter 18. The Disciples and Unbelievers
*Wednesday, March 22–Discussion Group (*Read Chapter 19. The Great Divide)

Week 5: pages 199-221 (22 total)
Thursday, March 23–Chapter 20. The Conclusion
Friday, March 24–Chapter 21. The Harvest
Saturday, March 25–Chapter 22. The Apostles
Sunday, March 26–Chapter 23. The Work
Monday, March 27–Chapter 24. The Suffering Messengers
Tuesday, March 28–Chapter 25. The Decision
*Wednesday, March 29–Discussion Group (*ReadChapter 26. The Fruit)

Week 6: pages 223-304 (81 total)
Thursday, March 30–Chapter 27. Preliminary Questions
Friday, March 31–Chapter 28. Baptism
Saturday, April 1–Chapter 29. The Body of Christ
Palm Sunday, April 2–Chapter 30. The Visible Community
Monday, April 3–Chapter 31. The Saints
Tuesday, April 4–Chapter 32. The Image of Christ
Wednesday, April 5–Discussion Group (No Reading)

Transfiguration Sunday

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is warm, healthy, and in good spirits. Those of us in Lake City are living in a winter wonderland, as we’ve had quite a bit of snow this past week.

This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, marking the end of the Epiphany season. That also means it’s time to take down all of our holiday decorations in preparation for the season of Lent, which begins next Ash Wednesday, February 22nd. On Sunday, I’ll let all the local folk know when we’re un-decorating the church and yard. Details for our Ash Wednesday service can be found below.

This Sunday, I’ll be preaching from the New Testament text: 2 Peter 1:16-21. You can find it and the other lectionary texts in the online Order of Worship below. Until then, you can check out what’s happening this week below.

Here are the announcements for the coming week:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
Our intergenerational study of the Bible meets tonight Sunday, February 19th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm in the Annex. 

Ash Wednesday Service
Join us this coming week for our Ash Wednesday service on February 22nd at 12:00pm in person in the sanctuary. The service will include Taizé chants and the Imposition of Ashes. The service will NOT be broadcasted on Zoom.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study on February 22nd at its usual time–5:00-6:30pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. This is our last week exploring the Apocrypha. This Wednesday, we’ll look at 1 & 2 Esdras, the Prayer of Manasseh and Psalm 151

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, February 23rd at 7:00am.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
The Cost of Discipleship reading group will begin on Wednesday, March 1st, from 5:00-6:30pm MST on Zoom. Check your weekly email for the link. 

Nerf Nation
On February 24th Nerf Nation is back. We’ll be meeting at the Armory from 7:00-9:00pm. Please remember to bring your own blaster (if you have one) and eye protection.

And, here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and in good spirits. Thanks for all your prayers this past week. Silas and I are definitely feeling better and Shannon has somehow avoided picking anything up from us. There’s nothing crazy happening in the life of our church this week, but there one thing I want to make sure you’re aware of before we gather on Sunday.

The opening of The Art of Play exhibition at the Lake City Art Center opens tomorrow, Friday, February 10th (and through the 23rd). We’ll be featuring art from local artists around the theme of play and I’ll be displaying 44 games from our family collection, each which was awarded the most prestigious gaming award in the world–Spiel des Jahres (translated, Game of the year). The games will be set up in chronological order, reaching back to 1979, when the first award was given.

Tomorrow night at 6:00pm in the gallery is the opening of the exhibit and there will be free food, I’ll be doing a short talk on “why play matters,” and I’ll lead in a large group “roll and write” game, for those who want to participate. If you can’t make the opening, there are six other opportunities over the next two weeks for you to connect and see the exhibit. Trust me, you’re going to love it. 🙂 Here’s the schedule:

Next, I also wanted you to know that we’ve moved The Cost of Discipleship reading group to Wednesdays during Lent from 5:00 to 6:30pm. I originally didn’t want to take that time slot from our regular Bible study attendees, but they seem keen on the idea.

Finally, don’t forget that we’ll be celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday during our worship service. Don’t fret… I won’t be preparing or distributing the elements this week, just to offer a little buffer from my stint of illness. 🙂 This week, I’ll be preaching from the Gospel of Matthew passage. You can find it and the other lectionary texts in their usual place (at the end of the online Order of Worship).

Beyond those announcements, here’s what’s on tap this week at CPC.

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
Our intergenerational study of the Bible meets tonight Sunday, February 12th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm in the Annex. 

February Session
This Wednesday, February 15th, the CPC elders will meet for our monthly session meeting at 10:00am in Darley Hall.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study on February 15th at its usual time–5:00-6:30pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. With only two more weeks studying the Apocrypha, we’ll be looking at the four books of Maccabees. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, February 16th at 7:00am.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
This Lenten season, you’re invited to join Jason on Tuesdays (time to be determined) in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we explore The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

The Art of Play at Lake City Arts
If you didn’t join us for the opening this past Friday, consider stopping by the Lake City Art Center to check out the Art of Play. A schedule of the events can be found in this weeks email and on the other side of this paper.

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well on this sunny Saturday afternoon. As many of you know, I’ve been sick this past week (again), and I’m still not back to a place of health. Consequently, I’ll be joining you via Zoom tomorrow morning to lead the service. This will ensure that I don’t get anyone sick. This also means that we’ll need to move communion to next week, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, there’s no need to bring your communion elements.

We will still be having our first-of-the-month potluck tomorrow directly after the service. Carolyn Nall and Margo Presnall did a lovely job of decorating for the gathering. The theme for February’s potluck is Valentines (naturally). Feel free to bring whatever you want or something in that theme.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be teaching from the second part of the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5:12-20. You can read that passage and the other lectionary texts in the online Order of Worship bulletin below.

Here are your Announcements for the week:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
Given the recent condition of Jason’s health, there will be no Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth this week. We’ll return next week as we look at the Israelites’ journey into the Promise Land.  

February Session
This Wednesday, February 8th, the CPC elders will meet for our monthly session meeting at 10:00am in Darley Hall.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study on February 8th at its usual time–5:00-6:30pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. We’ll finally explore the Apocryphal additions to Daniel: Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00am.

Communion Next Sunday
Next Sunday, February 12th we’ll celebrate the Eucharist, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please remember to bring your own bread and juice.  

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
This Lenten season, you’re invited to join Jason on Tuesdays (time to be determined) in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we explore The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

And, here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all warm and safe on this chilly Saturday afternoon. If you hadn’t heard, Silas and I were under the weather this week and have thus been laying low. Both of us, however, are feeling better and are grateful for all your prayers and support this past week. We are blessed to be a part of this community. 🙂

Although it was a slower week, I have done some prayerful thinking about our upcoming Lenten season together. I believe Lent offers us an incredible gift of which we don’t take full advantage. A season of thoughtful reflection about our sense of call and who we are as Christ’s disciples in the world is time well spent.

To that end, I’m excited to share that we’ll be dipping into the book The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a prominent 20th century, neo-reformed, German theologian who was both a leader in the confessing church movement of the mid-1930s and involved in a plan to assassinate Adolph Hitler. Consider journeying with me through various chapters from Discipleship on the six Tuesdays of Lent (February 28; March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4). More information to come, but if you’d like to purchase a copy of the book, we’ll be using this version (although any version is fine).

Tomorrow, Sunday, January 29th will be the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany and the last Sunday for our Christmas decoration. Details on un-decorating the church can be found in the Announcements below. During tomorrow’s service, I’ll be preaching from the New Testament text, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. If you’d like to read the texts prior to the service (or during the week), you can find them in the downloadable Order of Worship below.

Beyond those highlights, here are your Announcements for the week ahead:

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
Our intergenerational study of the Bible meets tonight Sunday, January 29th from 4:00pm to 6:30pm in Darley Hall (note the length is one hour longer). Tonight, we’ll be finishing The Ten Commandments. A bowl-ognese dinner will be offered with the movie. Participants are encouraged to bring microwave popcorn and movie snacks. 

Un-Decorating the Sanctuary
Thursday, February 2nd is Candlemas, the holy day when we observe the Presentation of Christ. Join us at 10:00am in Darley Hall as we take down the inside decorations. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us for our weekly Bible Study on February 1st at its usual time–5:00-6:30pm in Darley Hall and on Zoom. This week, we’ll be look at the Apocryphal additions to Daniel: Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening this week on Groundhogs Day, Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00am.

Cost of Discipleship Lenten Reading Group
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd and will continue until Easter Sunday, April 9th. This Lenten season, you’re invited to join Jason on Tuesdays (time to be determined) in Darley Hall and on Zoom as we explore The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Next Sunday, February 5th we’ll celebrate the Eucharist and have our first of the month potluck. Decorations will be in a Valentines theme, so let’s see if you can work that into your potluck dish. 😉

And, here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study: