The Jesse Tree Devotional: December 1

Genesis 1
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

And God said, “Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

And God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

And God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.” So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

On the first day of our Jesse Tree reflections, as I sit down to ponder the theological significance of this chapter, I can’t help but marvel at the vastness of God’s creation. Surrounded by such beauty here in Lake City, I find myself pausing with a sense of awe at God’s handiwork and how it, throughout the ages, has captured our attention. 

But what does this passage tell us about God? In chapter one, we’re offered a mysterious portrayal of God’s creative power–one that leaves room for wonder and contemplation. For some, the days of creation represent literal 24 hour periods; for others, they are more epochs of time in which life on our planet evolved through God’s governance and design. Regardless of your theological perspective on the creation narrative, there are several truths that surface for me when reading it. 

First, God was not created. This ultimate Being we call “our heavenly Father” is beyond our understanding of this world and has always been in existence. Augustine called Him the “unmoved mover,” meaning Yahweh put all things in our world into its material form, and that God is beyond our time and space. 

Second, this passage suggests that God created from nothing. There was no material world before God’s creative act of bringing something out of nothing. It’s a doctrine we call “creatio ex nihilo”–meaning God created the universe and all that is in it without any previously existing matter. God didn’t start with a tube of play dough and fashion the world from it. God spoke all things into being and gave life to all things.  

Third, and perhaps most important for our communal journey through Advent, this creation narrative reminds us that God not only created humanity, but imbued us with God’s image. When I think about all the different things that God has created, with all of its natural beauty, I’m amazed that he chose us to be a reflection of the Divine in this world. What a gift we were given and what love was shown in this incredible act of creation. 

As we start this 25 day trek to Christmas through the season of Advent, let’s take a moment to consider the majesty of the world that we live in and how marvelous it is that we were given a special place in it. As you color in today’s ornament of the sun and the moon or simply tape it to your refrigerator to view over the next few weeks, let’s all be reminded of how special we were to God in His created order and what a special place we’ll have with Him in the future. 

First Sunday of Advent (and the new Lectionary cycle)!

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is safe, well, and with loved ones in this late hour of the eve of our new liturgical year. This post is coming late this evening because I’ve been spending time with family and friends celebrating the many blessings we find ourselves grateful for this year. On the top of that list is that Judah was able to be home with us for Thanksgiving and he even brought a classmate with him. For those in town, you can see Judah (and his friend Manav) in worship tomorrow before they head back to Santa Fe.

I’m also tremendously thankful that we’re starting a new liturgical year tomorrow and the Gospel passage I’m preaching on is fantastic. You can read the preaching text and the other lectionary texts in the online Order of Worship (link at the bottom of the post.

Here are your announcements for the week ahead:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, November 28th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, November 30th at 5:00pm online and in Darley Hall as we explore the Apocryphal book of Judith

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, December 1st at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.  

Intergenerational Study of the Bible for Youth
Our new youth-oriented study of the Bible begins next week, Sunday, December 4th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. All are welcome (especially those between the ages of 10 to 18 years old).

Jesse Tree Advent Devotional
Starting December 1st, our congregation will be journeying through the Advent season with a daily Jesse Tree Devotional. Each day, Jason will email you the scripture and a short reflection to accompany the provided Jesse Tree ornament. You can pick up your printed ornament pack after the worship service, download them in this week’s email, or access them through this link at the bottom of this post.

Here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

We Have Reached The End!

Hey Everyone,

That’s right, this Sunday, November 20th, we’ll have reached the end of the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary. This means on the first Sunday of Advent (and the new liturgical year), we’ll begin the first week of Cycle A. Can’t you just feel the excitement?

All jokes aside, it’s hard to believe that we’re already starting a new liturgical season and that Christmas will be here in just over a month. Until then, however, we’ve got plenty to celebrate. This coming Sunday is Christ the King Sunday (also known as the Reign of Christ Sunday). To that end, I’ll be preaching on those famous words uttered by the criminal that was crucified alongside Christ–”Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” You can find this passage from the Gospel of Luke and the other lectionary texts at the bottom of the online Order of Worship below.

Given that it’s Thanksgiving week, most of our communal gatherings are cancelled, save one–Games Up Here. Join us this coming Monday night at 7:00pm in the Presbyterian Annex for thanksgiving-themed games.

Here are your ANNOUNCEMENTS for the week!

Time to Decorate!
Come out and help us decorate the church for the holiday/Advent season. We’ll meet in Darley Hall on Monday, November 21st at 9:00am. 

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, November 21st at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm

Wednesday Bible Study
No Bible study this week. We’ll return the week after Thanksgiving, on Wednesday, November 30th at 5:00pm. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
No men’s prayer breakfast this Thursday. 

And here is your link for this week’s Sunday worship service:

Sunday Worship Service:

Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

Can you believe that the first Sunday of Advent is only two weeks away? Time seems to go so much faster here in Lake City. Nonetheless, we carry on.

Tomorrow’s service will be the last of our crazy texts before we turn to the Reign of Christ Sunday (next week). During worship, I’ll be preaching on the gospel passage from Luke 21, where Jesus foreshadows the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. If you’d like to read that text and the other lectionary passages you can find them in the online Order of Worship below.

This week’s gathering points include Games Up Here and our weekly Wednesday night Bible Study. This week were are starting our exploration of the Apocrypha with the book of Tobit. Even if you’ve never read the books of the Apocrypha, join us to learn about this part of the Bible that helped shape western, Latin theology for over a millennium.

Here are your Announcements for the week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, November 13th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, November 16th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall as we explore the Apocryphal book of Tobit. This is the first of our series on the Apocrypha. If you’ve ever wondered what’s in these intertestamental books, here’s your chance to take a look. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, November 17th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.  

Here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and staying warm. We’re finally getting a good snow here in Lake City, which makes the town feel very peaceful and still. This Sunday during worship, we’ll celebrate communion, so if you’re joining us via Zoom, please bring your bread and juice to the broadcast.

If you’re joining us in person, don’t forget that we’re also having our first-Sunday-of-the-month potluck. This month’s theme is Thanksgiving and turkey will be provided. So all we need is for everyone to bring your favorite turkey day sides. If you’re unsure of what is still needed, please contact Lynn Hudgeons.

This week, the lectionary delivers and other doozy of a passage, which I (no doubt) won’t shy away from preaching. I’ll continue in our series on the most bizarre passages in Scripture by preaching from Luke 20:27-38, the text about Levirate marriage laws and the resurrection of the body. If you’d like to read it prior to Sunday, you can find it and the other lectionary passages at the bottom of the online Order of Worship below.

Here are the announcements for this week:

Games Up Here
No games this week. We’ll resume next week at our regularly scheduled time. 🙂 

October Session Meeting
The CPC Elders will meet this week, on Wednesday, November 9th from 10:00am to 12:00pm

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, November 9th at 5:00pm in Darley Hall as we begin our new series on the Apocrypha–the intertestamental books of the Bible that were recognized as canon by the western church until the 1500s. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, November  10th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Youth Study of the Bible Parent Meeting
We’re starting a Intergenerational Study of the Bible for young people ages 10-18! Join us Sunday, October 6th at 7:00pm in Darley Hall for an informational meeting for parents, youth, and anyone who’d like to be involved and learn alongside our young people.

Here are your links for this week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

Jason is Back!

That’s right folks, I’ve officially returned from my break, and I’m starting my first day back with a frightening special Bible study during which we’ll explore the history and culture around Halloween. Regardless of how you feel about day, I promise you’ll leave with a deeper understanding of the second most celebrated holiday in the US.

Join us in-person or on Zoom for this special Bible study this afternoon:

If you can’t make it tonight, I look forward to seeing you this Sunday, October 30th for our weekly worship service at 10:00am in the sanctuary and on Zoom. This Sunday is also Reformation Sunday, where we acknowledge the significance of those who founded our denomination during one of the most significant shifts in church history. As usual, fellowship will follow the service.

This Sunday, I’ll be preaching from the Gospel text found in Luke 19–the story of Zacchaeus. If you’d like to read it and other other lectionary texts, they are included in the Order of Worship below.

Here are your announcements for this Sunday and the week ahead:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, October 31st at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm.

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday, November 2nd at 5:00pm in Darley Hall as we look at the other side of Halloween. During this Bible study, we’ll examine All Saint’s Day, Reformation Day, All Soul’s Day and the Day of the Dead. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, November 3rd at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study.

Next Sunday, November 6th
We’ll be celebrating Communion, next Sunday, November 6th during our worship service, which will be followed by our monthly Potluck directly after the service. The theme for this month’s potluck is Thanksgiving. Turkey will be provided, so please bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish.

And, here are your links for Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

What’s Happening in October?

Hey Everyone,

I’m certain that’s a question that some of you are asking. As many of you know, I will be taking three weeks vacation in October. During that time, my family and I will be visiting Judah in Santa Fe, doing some work on our house and I’ll end my time away, conducting a wedding in Pittsburgh for a old friend of our family. I will return on Thursday, October 26th with a frighteningly scary Bible study on the topic of Halloween. We’ll meet at 5:00pm at the Presbyterian Annex for this chilling gathering. 🙂

And, for those wondering what the plan is for Sunday morning worship. I’m delighted to share that our Session and a few other folks from the body will be leading us in worship for the next three weeks. We’ve got a great line up of preachers, we’ll be singing hymns from our summer series, and as always, we’ll still have cookies and coffee fellowship. (Speaking of which, we could use a few more dozen cookies for those who like to bake). 🙂

On October 9th, Rev. Keri Shelton, the Stated Clerk of Presbytery of Western Colorado, will be preaching. Then, on October 16th, we’ll have a blast-from-the-past preacher, as Dr. John Roose graces our pulpit once again. Rounding out this trifecta, I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that our very own Ron Bruce will be bringing the Word on the third Sunday, October 23rd.

Although our Clerk of Session, John Bonner, will be bringing you the most up-to-date announcements each week, just a reminder… There will be NO Games Up Here or Wednesday Bible Study for the next three weeks.

We’ll still be Zoom broadcasting during my vacation and you can attend our Sunday services through this link:

Also, if you’re joining us via Zoom (or are just curious about what’s ahead), here are the Order of Worship bulletins for the next three weeks.

Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

Happy Thursday! I hope you’re all well as we settle into a slower pace here in Lake City. It feels like most of the summer residents took off this past week (though I know a few of you are still around). And it should get a lot quieter this weekend as we move into October.

Although we’ll be smaller in number this week, we’ll be mighty in spirit as we gather together this coming Sunday, October 2nd for World Communion Sunday. That’s right, this particular Sunday, we’ll join with literally millions of Christians around the globe to celebrate this holy sacrament. How fantastic is that. 🙂 If you’re joining us this Sunday on Zoom, please bring your communion elements to the broadcast. For those joining us in person, communion will be provided.

We’ll also be returning to our monthly potlucks (traditionally held on the first Sunday of the month). The theme for this month’s potluck is Fall/Harvest/Octoberfest. Interpret that any way you want… but please plan on joining us for our first potluck of the season.

This Sunday, we’ll also explore the disciples’ request for Jesus to increase their faith–the remarkable narrative found in Luke 17:5-10. If you’d like to read it and the other lectionary texts, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin.

Here are a few announcements for the coming week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, October 3rd at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

October Session Meeting
The CPC Elders will meet this coming week, on Wednesday, September 5th from 9:00am to 12:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
No Bible Study this week. We’ll return the last week of the month with our regularly scheduled study. 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 8th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Jason’s Vacation
From Thursday, October 6th to Wednesday October 26th, Jason will be on vacation. He will still be available for pastoral emergencies or urgent needs during this time. To reach him, please email or text. 

And here’s your Zoom link for the Sunday Service:

Sunday Worship Service:

The Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone,

Long week, short post tonight. 🙂 Tomorrow, September 25th, we’ll continue on with our series, Parables Nobody Understands. If you’d like to read the parable in the Gospel of Luke, you can find it and the other lectionary text at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin (link below).

Here are your announcements for this week:

Games Up Here
Join us for “Games up here” on Monday, September 26th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, September 28th at 5:00pm at the Annex as we explore a theology of play.

Men’s Prayer BreakfastJoin the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 29th at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

Prayer requests and prayer list
If you’d like to submit a prayer request to be included in the Sunday worship Prayers of the People or to be added to our weekly prayer list, please fill out a blue card BEFORE the service and give it to Jason. You can also submit your prayer request early via email: or text Nora at 719-220-0354.

And your links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study:

The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinal Time

Hey Everyone!

I know this post is late coming, but it’s been a busy week that’s capping off with one of Lake City’s most jubilant festival. I’m writing this (and sending this) right before Shannon and I start our shift at the 2022 Uncorked–Lake City’s music and wine festival. No doubt it’s been a blessed summer in so many ways.

This Sunday, September 18th, we’ll explore one of the most confusing parables in all of the Gospels–Luke 16:1-13. If you’d like to read it and the other lectionary texts, you can find them at the bottom of the online Order of Worship bulletin.

Blessing of the Animals
Would you like your pet(s) blessed? Join us at St. James Episcopal Church (across the street) for a blessing of the animals at 11:30am. 

Games Up Here
We’re having “Games up here” on Monday, September 19th at the Presbyterian Annex at 7:00pm. 

Wednesday Bible Study
Join us this Wednesday afternoon, September 21st at 5:00pm at the Annex as we explore the challenging sermon Jesus offered on the mount–The Beatitudes.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Join the men of Lake City this Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00am for good food, prayer, and Bible study. 

This Friday and Saturday, September 23rd and 24th, CPC is hosting the autumn Presbytery meeting for the Presbytery of Western Colorado. As part of our hospitality, we’ll be offering a potluck breakfast at 8am on Saturday morning, and we need your help! Please consider contributing a breakfast casserole or dish of your choosing and joining us for breakfast. Moreover, everyone is also welcome to participate in the presbytery meeting which will start with worship at 9am in the sanctuary.

Cookie Drive
As we’re ending the summer, our fellowship cookie supply is finally in the danger zone. 😉 Please consider making some and dropping them off in sealable freezer bag(s) in Darley Hall. Please note if they are gluten-free. 

Prayer requests and prayer list
If you’d like to submit a prayer request to be included in the Sunday worship Prayers of the People or to be added to our weekly prayer list, please fill out a blue card BEFORE the service and give it to Jason. You can also submit your prayer request early via email: or text Nora at 719-220-0354.

Special Musical Guest
A special thanks to Bill Goodwin for offering his voice for the prelude, The Heart Worships–Music by Gustav Holst and words by Alice Buckton.

Special Thanks
A special thanks to Nora Smith for lending her musical gifts to the worship services over the past three weeks

Here are your links for the week:

Sunday Worship Service:

Wednesday Evening Bible Study: