Third Sunday of Advent

Hey Friends,

This coming Sunday, December 13th is the third Sunday of Advent. During worship, we will light the pink candle, which is also called the Candle of Joy. In some traditions, it is referred to as the Mary Candle, and it is from this emphasis that we’ll explore a familiar passage from the Gospel of Luke known as the Magnificat or the Song of Mary. Just a reminder that we’re still on Zoom and the links for the service and others weekly activities are below.

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night, Monday, November 14th from 7:00-8:30pm MST, for a mystery game (which means we haven’t picked it yet). 🙂 Get more information on our website (

Weekly Bible Study
We’re still online only for our weekly Bible study. Join us this Wednesday, December 16th from 5:00-6:30pm MST for our LAST study of the year. This week we’ll explore the book of Ruth, one of the shortest books in the Bible, which contains an important glimpse into God’s broader redemptive plan for creation.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
And, just a reminder, that the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is on a break and will NOT resume meeting until the new year.

Here’s your weekly Zoom links: 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Second Week of Advent

Hey CPC!

We’re about to start the second week of Advent. I hope you’re experiencing a deeper sense of meaning and hope as we make our journey to Christmas. This week we light the candle of peace and look at the gospel account of John the Baptizer. And if that wasn’t enough, we’re also celebrating the Eucharist. So, please make sure to bring your juice and bread to the Zoom service.

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night for a game of Just One, Monday, November 7th from 7:00-8:30pm MST. Get more information on our website (

CPC Session
This CPC elders are meeting this week for our December Session meeting on Wednesday, December 9th. As we review 2020 for CPC, please feel free to reach out to them with anything you’d like to share.

Weekly Bible Study
We’re online only for our weekly Bible study. Join us this Wednesday, December 9th from 5:00-6:30pm MST as we explore the book of Judges, which contains a series of smaller narratives about the tribal period in Israel’s history following the death of Joshua.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
And, just a reminder, that the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is taking a break and will NOT resume meeting until January.

Here’s your weekly Zoom links: 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

A Season of Waiting

Hey CPC,

Here are your announcement and links for the first week of Advent.

Sunday Worship
This Sunday, November 29th is the first Sunday of Advent, when we will light the Candle of Hope as we begin our journey into a new liturgical season. While the sanctuary is open, we’re encouraging folks to remain home and use the Zoom technology.

Jesse Tree Devotional
This year, we’re introducing a new way (for some of you) to observe the season of Advent. A Jesse Tree devotional is a historic means of going through the redemptive story of God’s love for all of humanity, by tracing salvation history from creation to the birth of Christ Jesus through a serious of ornaments. Beginning on Tuesday, December 1st (and ending on Christmas Eve), you’re invited to cut out and color each the paper ornaments, after reading the listed Scripture reference.

More details for this devotional will be offered tomorrow during the announcements. Until then, download and print the devotional from our website, or use this direct link. If you’d like to make your journey even more special, this devotional draws its symbols from Geraldine McCaughrean’s beautiful children’s book, The Jesse Tree. Consider purchasing it to add a delightful story to your season of Advent. 

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night, Monday, November 23th from 7:00-8:30pm MST as we branch out into new online games with the award-winning party game Just One. No player sheets are needed this week, just pen and paper. Get more information on our Games Up Here page:

Weekly Bible Study
This Wednesday, December 2nd from 5:00-6:30pm MST, we’ll meet on Zoom (only) to continue our study of the books of the Bible. This week, we’ll explore the book of Joshua, which picks up the story with the Israelites’ entry into the promise land under new management–Joshua. All are welcome, even if you’ve never joined us before. 🙂 The link for the Zoom Bible Study is below.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
And, just a reminder, that the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is taking a break and will NOT resume meeting until January.

Here’s your weekly Zoom links: 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

A Week of Gratitude

Hey CPC,

As we enter into a holiday weekend that’s characterized by a spirit of gratitude, let us be thankful for all of God’s blessings in our lives. Though COVID continues to spread, we endeavor to find place and space to connect with one another. This coming week, and for the foreseeable future, we’re moving all of our activities online only. Games, Tuesday’s teaching time, and Wednesday’s Bible study will all be on Zoom.

For the remainder of the year, we will still have the sanctuary open for worship; however, we are encouraging folks to remain home and participate through the Zoom service if they are more comfortable doing so.

Please note the following announcements. You’ll also find the links for this weeks activities below.

Games Up Here
Join us ONLINE tomorrow night, Monday, November 23th from 7:00-8:30pm MST for a special Thanksgiving version of the game Scattegories. Get more information on our website (

Theology Tuesdays  
This Tuesday, the second part of our “Rethinking Christmas” class will be offered. This week, we’ll explore how we might more fully celebrate Jesus’ incarnation amidst the wider holiday season. The class will meet on Tuesday, November 24th from 4:00pm-5:00pm MST. Visit our website for a Zoom link for this special offering. 

Weekly Bible Study
Due to the holiday, Wednesday Bible Study is cancelled. The next Bible study will be online (ONLY) on Wednesday, December 2nd from 5:00-6:30pm MST.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Due to the holiday this week and the rising number of COVID cases, Men’s prayer breakfast is taking a break and will NOT resume meeting until January.

Here’s your weekly Zoom links:

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

ReThinking Christmas:

Wednesday Bible Study:

ReThinking Christmas

Hey CPC!

We’ve got a full week ahead of us, with a new learning opportunity with our two-week series on Advent and Christmas. Check out what’s happening below.

Sunday Worship
This Sunday we’ll be exploring the Parable of the Talents and how it’s been misused over the years. Though we are meeting in-person on Sunday, please keep in mind that there is a report of one positive case of COVID in town. If you are joining us in the sanctuary, please remember to wear your masks, especially during the time of singing, as that activity has been deemed as one of the most dangerous for spreading the virus.

Games Up Here
Join us tomorrow night, Monday, November 16th from 7:00-8:30pm MST for another game of Kingdomino Duel. Get more information on our website (

Theology Tuesdays  
For the next two Tuesdays, I’ll be offering a mini-educational series called “Rethinking Christmas.” During this class, we’ll explore the history of Christmas and the role it plays in our current culture, before looking at a few ways you can make this holiday season a holy season. The first class will be on Tuesday, November 17th from 4:00pm-5:00pm MST. Visit our website for a Zoom link for this special offering. 

Weekly Bible Study
Join us this week in person and online via Zoom for our next CPC Bible Study, as we continue to look at how God shaped Israel into a covenant people in the book of Deuteronomy. All of the past Bible studies in this series are available on YouTube. See our new Bible Study Page on the website for more information. If you’d like to participate, we will meet at the Annex and on Zoom this Wednesday, November 18th from 5:00-6:30pm MST.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The Thursday morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast is happening! Join us this Thursday, November 19th at 7:00am for good food and conversation with the men of Lake City. 

Sunday Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

ReThinking Christmas:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Quarantine is Over!

Well, after a two week shut-down because of several COVID cases in town, we’re back in the sanctuary this week. We will continue to be on Zoom, so if you can’t join us in person, log on though the links at the bottom of this post. And, here are your weekly announcements and upcoming events. 🙂

Games Up Here
Join us tomorrow night, Monday, November 9th from 7:00-8:30pm MST for a new “roll and write” game. This week, we’ll be playing Kingdomino Duel. Check out our website ( for more information. 

Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Time Tuesday is happening this week! We’ll meet on Tuesday, November 10th in the Annex from 2:00 to 4:00pm for fellowship, tea and hot cider. 

Weekly Bible Study
Join us this week in person and online via Zoom for our next CPC Bible Study, as we continue to look at how God shaped Israel into a covenant people in the book of Numbers. All of the past Bible studies in this series are available on YouTube. See our new Bible Study Page on the website for more information. If you’d like to participate, we will meet at the Annex and on Zoom this Wednesday, November 11th from 5:00-6:30pm MST.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The Thursday morning men’s prayer and bible study breakfast is starting up again. Join us this Thursday, November 12th at 7:00am for good food and conversation with the men of Lake City. 

And, here are your weekly links for all our Zoom gatherings:

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Daylight Savings is Over!

Hey CPC!

Just a couple of quick reminders for Sunday and the week to come.

1. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back as Daylight Savings ends tomorrow night.
2. We’re celebrating communion on Sunday, so remember to gather your bread and juice before our Zoom service.

Also, due to exposure concerns around Lake City, all gatherings and meetings are moved on Zoom or cancelled. Please check this website for updates. Sunday service and weekly activity links are at the bottom of this post.

This Week
Games Up Here: This week we’re only online. So please use the Zoom link on our website to join us for another round of Welcome To… Winter Wonderland on Monday, November 1st from 7:00-8:30pm MST. More information can be found at our website:

Tea Time Tuesday : Due to recent COVID exposures, Tea Time Tuesday for November 3 is canceled.

Weekly Bible Study: Join us this week online via Zoom for our next CPC Bible Study, as we explore how God shaped Israel into a covenant people through stories and laws in the book of Leviticus. All of the past Bible studies in this series are available on YouTube. See our new Bible Study Page on the website for more information. If you’d like to participate, we will meet on Zoom this Wednesday, November 4th from 5:00-6:30pm MST.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Due to recent COVID exposures, Men’s Prayer Breakfast is cancelled until further notice.

Here are your links for this week’s gatherings:

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

The Winter is Coming…

Hey CPC!

With snow coming, please remember that all of our current gatherings are available both in person and in Zoom (links below). Also, just a reminder that Tea Time Tuesday is only once a month now. The next Tea Time will be on Election Day–November 3, 2020.

Here are your links for this week’s gatherings:

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Elder Installation and New Members

Hey CPC!

This Sunday, October 18th will be a special service to both install Linda Downs as a Ruling Elder and we’ll be welcoming eleven new members. Don’t forget that we’re starting at 9:30am.

Also, please note that Tea Time Tuesday is only once a month now. Join us on the first Tuesday of each month for hot tea and cookies at the Annex. The next Tea Time will be November 3, 2020.

Here are your links for this week:

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study:

Back in the 9:30am Saddle Again

Hey CPC,

This is your friendly reminder that we’re returning to our 9:30am Sunday worship in the CPC sanctuary. Masks are required and social distancing will be observed. Please note that we will not be Passing the Peace or collecting an offering (although we will have the offering box located in the Narthex). We’re still broadcasting via Zoom (link below).

Here are you links and order of worship for our gatherings this week:

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service:

Monday Games Up Here:

Wednesday Bible Study: